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"Alright class listen up!" Aizawa says getting the class to settle down. "Thirteen and I will be overseeing training today, along with All Might who should hopefully be here soon, so during this training exercise you will be split into groups; after you are split into said groups we will start a rotation of the different zones in the facility."

"Before we get started I want to say one thing, or two, maybe three... you know what I mean" Pro Hero Thirteen adds before the class gets out of hand. "You all know that this is a rescue exercise, so that means that you will not be using your quirks to harm others. As you probably know I have a powerful quirk called Black Hole."

"Yeah!!" Mina exclaims excitedly. "You use your quirk to save tons or people! It's so awesome!"

"Yes," Thirteen adds on "but my quirk can also very easily be used to kill as well. My quirk sucks up matter and turns it to dust; powerful, yet very lethal at the same time. Alright that's enough talking out of me I'm sure you're all very excited, so let's get started!" As of on que, the lights in the facility go out.

Something ripples behind Aizawa, almost as if the universe were trying to rip itself apart. Only then did the giant smoke figure appear out of no where, but it wasn't alone; tons of people swarmed out of the smoke as if it was a gate way, and then a beast unlike anyone has seen stepped out of smoke next to a man covered in hands. The creature was hideous nobody knew what to make of it.

"Whats going on?" Kirishima asked "Has the training started? I thought we were supposed to be saving people!"

Izuku went to move forward but was stopped by Aizawa.

"Stay back!" Aizawa commanded in almost a yell. Izuku looked at Aizawa only to see him put his goggles on. "This is real... Those are villains!" The students looked on in horror as they saw the villains walking towards them. "Thirteen!" Aizawa says without even a glance in Thirteens direction. "Protect the students! Get them out of here... I'll hold them off and buy you time."

"But Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku stammers with fear in his voice "Y-You can't hold them off on your own! Your quirk doesn't work well against a large group like this! Normally you go stealth and fight them in a one on one! There's no way you can do it on your own!"

"Here's a quick lesson for all of you" Aizawa says while his scarf seems to come to life. " You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." And just like that Aizawa leapt down the stairs to confront the villains head on.

"Quickly!" Thirteen commands. "Everyone head for the door!"

"Why aren't the alarms going off?" Shoto Todoroki asks "this is a high security facility."

"I don't know" Thirteen says with a sigh, "One of the villains down there must have a quirk that is masking them from the security. Our signal is jammed as well so we can't contact the main campus; Kaminari, can you try and find a way to get through to the school?"

"I'll do my best." Kaminari says already trying to get a signal through.

"Good." Thirteen continues "Now everyone head for the door!"

All the students start heading for the door except for Izuku he stays staring at the fight below.

"Midoriya! This is no time to be analyzing we need to go! Iida says already dragging Izuku to the door.

"R-Right sorry..." Izuku apologizes.

Thirteen and the students ran for the door, but before they can even get half way the figure made of smoke appears right in front of them.

"Our apologize for interrupting your lesson," the smoke figure says "but we felt the need to formally introduce ourselves, and kill a certain Symbol of Peace. We are the League of Villains, and we were told that All Might would be here; don't you think this would be a great place for the Symbol of Peace to take his final breath"

"Everyone stand bac-!" Thirteen started until Katsuki Bakugo and Kirishima decide to attack the figure head on. There attack ended up doing nothing to the figure

"Hmm it seems to me that your all too dangerous together... let's fix that shall we." The smoke figure says, suddenly all the students were surrounded in his smoke. Iida with his speed was able to get some of his classmates out of the smoke, but he was too late to save the others as they were warped to different places around the facility...

(DISCLAIMER!!! Chapters for the story will vary in length, I have precise ending points for each chapter meaning that some chapters will be longer or shorter then others. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for reading Final Warning!!)


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