13: RiverClan Fighting Techniques

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Water Combat Battle Moves

Double-Front-Paw Slap-Down

Splash water into the enemy's face with your front paws, temporarily stunning them.

Underwater Leg Sweep (Front or Hind)

Crouch under water, holding your breath.
- Sweep the legs from under your enemy as their head is raised above water-level; they struggle for breath, as other Clan cats naturally panic underwater.

Push-Down and Release

Wrestle your enemy under water.
- Keep their head below water-level until they surrender, as other Clan cats don't know to hold their breath underwater.

Underwater Clinch

Use your enemy's weight to hold him underwater.
- With a firm grip, raise him to the air so he can breathe, then send him under again. Do this repeatedly until the enemy gives up.

Tail Splash

Similar to the Double Front-Paw Slap-Down, splash the water into your opponent's eyes with your tail, temporarily blinding them.

Underwater Push-Off

Holding your breath, crouch below the water's surface.
- Aim an accurate pounce to the warrior on the water's edge, knocking him off-balance; the element of surprise should win you this battle.

Rushpaw Splash

Flick a splash of water at a distance to create a decoy for the enemy, leaving room for a surprise attack.

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