Meeting Each Other

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Nico Robin, 17 almost 18 years of age is the daughter of the wealthy family Nicos. She was always treated like a princess but she was allowed to do what she wanted.

She is a very cheerful and beautiful woman. Never spoiled or mean, she was someone everyone liked.

Robin sat at her desk reading a novel. She heard a knock and soon her mother came in. Robin smiled as she stood up putting things away.

" mum, what can I do for you"she smiled Olivia smiled back " Robin, were going out you should get ready "

" alright, where are we going "

" you'll see, now hurry up" she while walking out the door, closing it behind her. She ran to her bathroom and had a quick shower, she dried her hair and put on black,sleeveless,strap, short dress with black leg boots that went up to her knee. The dress went with the colour of her hair. She walked out of her room closed her door,walked the down stairs and sat in the back of the car. The driver started to drive, and after a few minutes we came to a halt.

" were here Mr and Mrs Nico "

" Thanks " Ace said as we got out of the car

We headed into the big house, and made are way to the lounge it was really beautiful inside this house

" this place is really nice" Robin smiled

" isn't it " Olivia smiled back

" have you been here before, mum?"

" of course I have "

" when?"

Olivia giggled then winked at her. Robin sighed and put her right leg over her left leg. Where are they? And what are we doing here she thought

" I have to use the bathroom " Robin said as she stood up. A maid shown her the way, after using the bathroom and checking herself in the mirror, she opened the door turned  to her right and crashed into someone.

Robin fell on top of someone and he felt really sweaty.

She opened her eyes to see a boy around her age looking at her with his eyebrows raised.

" who the hell are you"

She didn't anwser

He stood up and gave Robin his hand and pulled her up"who are you, what are you doing here"

" I'm Robin and I don't know, my parent's brought me here "

" hey, I'm Zoro "

" is that natural"

"  is what natural "

" your green hair"

" yeah, what did you think, I dye my hair"

" ok" she said backing off back into the lounge.

" weirdo" he mumbled before going to his bathroom to get a shower.

After his shower he walked downstairs to see his parents talking to Robin and her parents in their lounge. He walked over to his parents and sat next to his mum

" Zoro, honey where'd you run off to"

" just abit of training "

" Robin this is Zoro " Olivia said

" yeah,  we met before "

"Oh great" Olivia finished

" anyways" Makino started " we have something to tell you two, you two are getting married "

They both stood up and said " marry, I'm not marrying that idiot"   " idiot?, who you calling an idiot " they glared at each other

" I'm sorry mum but I want to marry someone... someone who I love, I don't love Zoro "

" sorry honey,  it's already been decided

" mum,dad I don't want to marry her"

" I'm sorry Zoro I guess it's just fate"

" what are talking about,  it's nothing to do with fate"

" I refuse to marry him"

" same here"


Robin POV

" where am I?" I said sitting up

" my room " Zoro replied

" why am I on your bed?"

" you fainted, so I carried you here"

" I had this horrible dream, where we were gonna have to get may"

" that part wasn't a dream Zoro said

Zoro POV

She looked at me shocked and upset, she laid there and started to cry. crap what do you do when girls cry!, dammit.

I walked up to her cupped her face we looked at each other before I kissed her.

I noticed she had stopped crying when we separated " sorry, you were crying, and I didn't know wh.."  I stopped when she hugged me she then said " thank you, since we're engaged can we start over?" I was shocked, I was expecting a slap or something " s-s-s-sure" I said confusingly


Normal POV

Suddenly the door opened and Olivia walked in " are you alright my baby"

She said while hugging Robin " I'm fine thanks to Zoro " she started to squeeze Zoro to death in a bear hug " thank you so much, your going to be perfect for my Robin"

"  c-can't b-b-breath" was all Zoro managed to say

" Oh, sorry"

Makino suddenly stepped in " well everything seems to be going well in here"

" perfect" Olivia said

" I don't love Zoro " Robin suddenly said

" Wattttttttttttttt" Olivia and Makino said in sync while freaking out

" and I don't love Robin"

" WHAT" they both said again, still freaking out


Robins POV

" I don't love you Zoro, and I will only marry someone I love"

" I know same here, but my parents want this, so I Roronoa Zoro will make you love me"

" I'm not that easy Zoro "

" makes it more fun"

" alright, let's see how far you can get"

" one more thing "

" what is it?"

" you'll have to be my girlfriend "

" fine"


" bye Zoro "

" see ya, oh yeah I'll pick you up tomorrow "

" Oh, ok"

And with that the Nico's left the Roronoa's

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