Chapter Two - Makoto's POV

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I had been working on practicing spells with Chinatsu for a long time before the festival and a bit after. But now I have found myself a little bored... Which is not normal for me since I'm fascinated in so many things. 

  I never find myself with a lack of something to do. But every season is different. This summer I'm not sure what I'd like to do yet. I think I might travel. But when I brought it up Kei seemed a bit nervous about me going alone "Makoto, You can barely make it to the store and back without getting lost. Do you really think it's a good idea to go somewhere you've never been entirely?" Kei said as he worked on stirring the pot of soup on the stove. 

  "Well now that I think about it I may not do to well on my own. Would you like to go with me?" I asked "Well, I don't know..." Kei said seeming unsure "Please?!?" I pleaded with him "Fine, Fine I'll go." Kei said giving in "Ok! Be ready bright and early tomorrow and we can head out!" I said smiling "Sometimes I wonder how you come up with these crazy ideas," Kei said laughing to himself. 

  "Chinatsu!" I yelled as I tried to find her. I found her in the living room drawing some pictures of some of the creatures we'd seen as of recent. "Yes Makoto?!?" Chinatsu said excitedly. I knew she'd be excited for the news of a new adventure. 

  "Tomorrow I'm leaving with Kei to go on an adventure and explore more of Japan. Would you like to come?" I asked "OF COURSE I WOULD!!!" She said smiling and jumping up and down "Well you have to ask your mother of course," I said "Oh you're right... I'll go find her!" Chinatsu said smiling as she ran to go find her mother. 

  She soon came back to the living room "SHE SAID YES!!!!" Chinatsu said loudly with glee she picked up Chito and hugged her "We're going on an adventure kitty!!!" She said smiling "I'm very excited as well," I said smiling "I'm going to go get my red robe and get my broom!" Chinatsu said smiling "Ok, just remember when we ride tomorrow to stay by my side. we don't want to get separated!" I said 

  "Of course! I wouldn't want to get separated. With all you've taught me I know I'll do great!" Chinatsu said smiling "Yes, I don't doubt your skills one bit! You've improved much since when you first began." I said smiling it was true. she was learning very fast. 

  I'm so proud of her and all that's she's picked up from me. I'm glad I can be of service to her while I'm learning as well. 


At Dinner I decided to tell Akane about our adventure "Well make sure to take breaks! I know from experience that if you fly for too long you begin to get really tired and you for sure don't want to fall asleep midflight. I've made that mistake one too many times," Akane said laughing

  "Make sure to bring your camera Chinatsu, And I Can't wait to hear all about it!" Nana said smiling "I won't! I want to remember everything about my first real adventure as a witch!" Chinatsu said smiling "I didn't even think of that, this is your first adventure as a witch," I said smiling as I thought of my adventure coming over here. 

  "You're going to do great, I know my Little Sis is a wonderful teacher! she's even taught me a few things," Akane said as she patted my shoulder. "I'm really not that wonderful. I'm just sharing some of the things I've learned along the way. I'd hardly call that being a wonderful teacher," I said smiling. 

  I was very excited about my new adventure. Maybe I could find more people along the way to teach. I hope I can be helpful and learn lots of new things and gain new experiences that can last a lifetime. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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