Chapter 11 - The Grangers Invade America

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The week after Harry had arrived back in America found the McGonagall family at O'Hare yet again. This time they were meeting the Granger family. At Hermione's insistence, they flooed to America instead of flying in a muggle airplane.

The twelve-year-old girl with bushy brown hair and buck teeth walked in front of her parents looking excitedly around the crowded airport until she finally saw, "Harry!" and ran up to him.

"Hi, Hermione! It's good to see you! Welcome to America!" Smiling ear to ear, Harry waved his right hand in front of him to show the terminal as though giving a grand tour of his country. "What do you think?"

Mr. Granger, who was pushing a cart full of luggage, came up behind his daughter and answered, "It's a beautiful airport, I'm sure, but I think we'd all like to see a bit more of America before we decide what we think. I understand that we should be able to see the Sears Tower on the way."

"Absolutely!" said Mark. That's one landmark that's hard to miss."

"Are you sure we're not imposing on you," asked Mrs. Granger. "We could still check into a motel."

"Nonsense, Marissa," replied Cindy. "We have plenty of room as long as Brianna doubles up with Hermione. It's no problem at all."

"We could always have Harry sleep in a cupboard," suggested Brianna with a smirk. "That way Hermione could have his room."

"Shut up!" replied Harry playfully. "Maybe you should stay with one of your friends for the next two weeks. It would save Hermione from your snoring."

"I don't snore! Anyway, I'm gonna use these two weeks to tell Hermione embarrassing stories about Harry every night." Hermione giggled at that prospect.

"You'd better not," said Harry, "because I have plenty of stories about you that I could tell Bobby."

"Don't you dare"

"I think it's time we started back home," interrupted Mark, temporarily shutting up his kids.

They made their way to the brand new van that the McGonagalls had rented for the next few weeks. They knew their car couldn't fit eight people (Minerva, Mark, Cindy, Harry, Brianna, Adam, Marissa, and Hermione) in it, so it made sense to get a bigger vehicle. Since Mark or Cindy would be doing all the driving, it was in their names, but the Grangers insisted on paying for it.


Minerva had stayed behind in her nephew's five-bedroom house watching television. She disliked riding in Chicago traffic and figured that she'd be doing enough of that when they were actually sight-seeing, not going to and from the same airport she'd been to several times. She was heavily involved with a soap opera when the door opened and a stampede began.

Brianna was carrying several bags from Burger King while everyone else was carrying some of the Grangers' luggage.

"Brianna, sort through the bags of food while the rest of us put these suitcases in the correct rooms," said Mark.

"Yes, Daddy."


Hermione had brought two suitcases along with her school trunk. She was going to carry the two suitcases and asked Harry to carry the trunk up the stairs. The Boy-Who-Lived looked at her like she was nuts.

"Are you a witch or not? We're in America, now." He pointed his wand at her trunk. "Wingardium Leviosa."

"Sorry, I'd forgotten," his friend murmured as she pulled her wand out of her pocket. Five minutes later, they were back in the kitchen.

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