Chapter 3 - Secrets Revealed

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When Madam Hooch finally returned, she said, "I know that half our time is up, but if we can avoid anymore foolishness or accidents, I can still teach you the basics of flying. Line up again and get your brooms. Quickly now!"

They all scrambled back to where they'd been and mounted their brooms under Hooch's instructions. Harry soon found that he was a complete natural on a broom and was laughing, purely enjoying himself, as he out-flew everyone there. After five minutes, he noticed that Hermione was having trouble. She was off the ground, but not moving much at all, and was clearly terrified of falling. Madam Hooch was helping someone else. He flew over to his friend.

"Hermione, how are you doing?"

She put her head down in shame. "I-I'm fine. Y-you're doing r-really well."

"Thanks. I want to help. What precisely is the problem you're having? You're brilliant at everything else."

"I j-just can't control this broom! There's no spell or something I can learn to help."

Nodding his head, Harry said, "You're right. There's nothing to memorize to make this easier. I was lucky. Apparently I'm good at this naturally." He searched his mind to think of a way to help his friend. "Um, I guess it's like riding a bike. There's no book that can teach you how to do that, either."

"I had a hard time learning that, too," she admitted, "but I did learn," she said with determination.

Harry smiled. "And you'll learn this, too. The first thing you need to do is"

Harry patiently instructed Hermione in flying, explaining how he was controlling the broom he was on, and having her watch while he demonstrated what he somehow knew instinctively. Unbeknownst to them, Madam Hooch had noticed and was watching them when she wasn't correcting others who were having minor problems.

After about twenty minutes, Hermione was flying fairly well, and beginning to enjoy herself. "Wow! I never thought that this could be such fun!"

Harry chuckled, "I thought so. My parents wouldn't let me get a broom, but I saw a few Quidditch matches in the States and thought it looked exciting. I definitely want to try out for the Quidditch team next year!"

"And I'm sure you'll do well," said Madam Hooch, who'd flown up to them. "Mr. McGonagall, I'd like to compliment how well you instructed Miss Granger. I couldn't have done it better myself. Five points to Ravenclaw."

"Thank you," he said blushing slightly.


That night, Harry pulled out his mirror to call his family once the common room was cleared out.

"You are gonna have to get me a broom next year!" he declared excitedly to his parents. "We just had our first flying lesson and it was awesome!"

Mark chuckled. "Let me guess. You plan to be captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team next year, too?"

Harry's ears turned pink. "I do want to try out for the team. Isn't there a place in Little Salem where people can practice flying and Quidditch?"

"Yes, I think so," answered Cindy. "Er, 'Frank's Flying Funhouse,' I think is the name. We can certainly find out about it before you return for the summer."

"How did your girlfriend fly?" asked Brianna.

Harry's ears turned pink, but he firmly answered, "I don't have a girlfriend!"

"You know who I mean," his sister replied, grinning.

"Don't tease your brother," said Cindy sternly.

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