Eight hours.

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"With stops it will be around 8 hours, considering we take the back roads. That of course will take longer.." I listen and try to focus as he explains his plans for tomorrow over a map laid out on the kitchen table. I roll my eyes at his pointless and unnecessary struggle with this stupid map.
"No offense Grandpa but we can just use the GPS!" I say pointing to his iPhone that sits on the table.
"I know but those things can be unreliable" I face palm myself in frustration.

"Your map reading skills are worse,trust me" he scowls at my words and refuses to listen to my suggestions.
"We leave early around 8 or 9 in the morning this way neither of us have to drive in the dark and we can blend in during the day" he says placing a pin on the map.

"You can't blend in wearing your fancy ass suits all the time" I say chuckling at his horrid look as he turns his eyes towards me.
"What else would I wear? Would you rather I go naked?" He smirks at his own words and I feel my cheeks heating up slowly. Why does he always have to be so cheeky?

"What I meant was maybe a leather jacket or a T-shirt?" I say hesitantly as he scrunches up in disgust,
"And look like a peasant, no I'd rather not!" He exclaims beginning to clean up his map. Of course he would compare modern clothes to a commoner, I roll my eyes at his silly ideals and hop up onto the kitchen counter and grabbing a pack of sour gummy worms.

"You should be packing and preparing" He says as I plop one of the worms into my mouth and chew into their soft and sour bodies.
"Its only like 3, I unlike you, don't iron my clothes and underwear before putting them in a suitcase" I mock him and chuckle to myself but he doesn't seem amused.

"Okay I see what this is about" he says removing his suits vest and placing it down on the island.
"What are you doing?" I ask raising a brow at his peculiar behavior as he removes his tie and I feel my heart begin to beat faster.
"You have something against my suits, so look" he says smirking at my reaction as I try to keep my mouth closed. My heart is hammering when he removes his shirt to reveal a tight snug white t shirt that hugs his muscles nicely.

He untucks the white shirt and adds, "tada! Do you prefer me to look like a normal ghetto and unfashionable Joe?" He asks and I nearly choke on my spit, he just stripped in front of me, even though it wasn't all the way down it still makes me hot.
"Or would you rather I walk around like half the population on a sunny day?" He says smirking and removing his shirt to reveal his chiseled chest and his muscular arms.

"Or maybe if I drop my pants a bit lower you'll be satisfied?" He says I blush and find myself unable to breathe as my breath gets hitched in my throat.
"Okay I get it! And you just culture appropriated maybe the whole population of modern teenagers " I exclaim when he reaches to adjust his pants.
"I knew you'd see it my way" he says winking as I try not to swoon.
He picks up his t shirt and leaving it in his hand makes his way to where I sit.

Of course being as tall as he is he meets me eye to eye.
"How are the memories?" He says tapping my forehead with his index finger.
"Getting better" I say gulping down loudly as he takes a gummy worm from my pack and pops it into his gorgeous mouth.
"Good, I see small part of you returning" he says smirking at my heating cheeks and flushed face.
"You mean I am less of a trained crazy psycho bitch" I retort as he chuckles at my words. He takes another worm and I want him to move a bit back since now I can barely breathe with him so close. It's strange how all that training and all those months of torture didn't harden my heart from his charms...

Something about them seem so familiar, and there are things coming back to me. I prefer not to tell him so, I would rather he doesn't know how well my memory is actually returning as our old relationship is becoming clearer and clearer to me.
His delicious candy breath fans my face as i inhale deeply.
"What I meant was your kinder, and I'm glad to see that you did not have the same reaction to what they did to you as I have" He says scowling as he looks down away from me.
"Well you had to suffer with it for we'll all of your life, they tortured you and molded you for years Diavolo, I only struggled for about a year...and it did mess with me" I say my memories of the harm they did to me and the scars they gave me giving me a chill as I shiver.

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