Chapter 1:The Beginning of Mass Chaos

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Two Years Later

I walk to school on an average day, now to high school because I am in ninth grade now. I have to walk about a mile to get there. On the way I stop at 7-Eleven for breakfast as always. I get a small Coke and a croissant breakfast sandwich and I see someone cough up what looks like blood but I couldn't be sure so I just continue my day. I eat my breakfast sandwhich and drink my coke and arrive approximately 5 minutes later at the school and see the guys. When I walk over they tackle me to the ground and ask me where I've been, I had been gone for about a week actually. I tell them that I had been working on my Suburban.

Willie says to me,"Dude you gotta drop that crap, or do you wanna be ripped on. Its childs play, your 14 now."

"Actually it is a good way of defense against burglars, and you never know, in a couple of years a mad scientist could go crazy." Greg agrees.

"Shut up you guys." just then we hear a scream about a block away.

I run as fast as I can and the guys come to but they can't keep up with me. I run and grab my bowie from under a trash can that I could just nearly reach my hand under and nearly cut myself in the process. I kept the knife near the school in case the worst happened. I run around the corner, my eyes are as large as two dinner plates as I see a woman being eaten by a zombie. My friends fly around the corner amazed at the zombie and then they vomit as they see the flesh torn off of the woman's body. The zombie looks over at us, it's the person I saw at 7-Eleven! I run up to the zombie and stab the knife straight through its temple as blood spews out over my gloves. Rule 8 always where gloves when killing a zombie because it is not known if you will become infected.

I sit there thinking, thinking about how slowly I reacted. I coldn't have saved the woman but I still could have just killed the thing instead of standing and watching. Then I remembered that I had not yet killed the already half eaten woman to keep her from reanimating as a zombie. Just as I gain the courage to kill the woman we hear hundreds of screams coming from the school.

We sprint to the school and when we get there I see the school bully Antonio and he sees me. He also sees the knife and so he comes at me full speed and punches me to the ground. He repeatedly punches me saying, "Give me that knife!" As he draws back for about the eleventh blow I stab him right in the shoulder, shove him off of me, and attempt to get up but I can't. A kid I had only seen twice before named Dave ran over.

At that moment I figured that he would be the reason that I saved anyone. Dave thrusts his hand out towards me to help me up. I take his hand and see a zombie so I shove him aside and the zombie topples onto me. I struggled to keep it from biting me and then I shove its head up, I had one chance to stab it through the lower jaw. I use all my might and with one bone-breaking thrust the Bowie goes through the jaw bone with a loud snap and the zombie instantly stops struggling. 

Dave throws the zombie off of me and pulls me up. I see a zombie attacking a girl named Carleen Prichard. I act fast and run over and throw the zombie to the ground and stomp on its head 6 times until the head is at level with the concrete. 

Carleen looks at me as if I'm crazy and then looks over my shoulder and asks,"Aren't those your friends in the bike cage?" I had been wondering where they had run off to.

I turn around to look at the bike cage. Willie and Greg were in the bike cage. Between us were approximately 100 zombies leaning against the fence trying to get in. The only hope was to go home and grab my survival gear and the Suburban but there had to be thousands of zombies between me and my house plus I would have to take Carleen and Dave through and all I had was an 8" Bowie knife.

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