Chapter 3:Plans Ruined

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Our group to say continued on, except, nobody he knew well was in his group. My plans had been ruined completely, my parents weren't with me, my only two real friends could have been with me. Why hadn't they trusted me to keep them safe with my knife. They had already seen me take out one and then they just ran like maniacs. Why couldn't they have just trusted me to help them survive, teach them to survive in case we were split up. The only question in my mind is why, why after all of my careful planning, precise survival techniques, precise detail could I not save them. I then remember, they didn't have any flesh ripped from their bodies, no other dead zombies, no scratches. It had to have been injected into them by something.

I say to Carly and Dave,"We're going back to my house to figure something out."

"Ok." Dave and Carly reply in unison. 

I nearly smash the gas pedal through the floor and I pull the handbrake. The Suburban does a 180 degree turn around and in about five minutes we pass the school and I no longer see Willie and Greg in the bike cage as I slow down about 50 mph to check. I look forward again and there is Willie, no zombie Willie. His neck has a giant gash from where he had been bitten and his legs had been torn of so that you could see his spine sticking out. Zombie Greg looks toward the Suburban and I see blood dripping from a gash in his forehead from the fallen chainlink fence. He no longer shows lips, only teeth. I can't stop in time so his head is squashed by this 2-ton vehicle. I look over at the school entrance and zombies are trying to break through. That meant that there was a surviver. This time I wouldn't take the chance to go home first.

I grab the Remington and give it to Dave and say to him"Cover me," and then to Carly as if I am in authority,"and you stay here with Dave,GOT IT." I then take the Berreta 1301 and get out of the car.

Dave throws me some more rounds and says,"I think you were about to forget something."

I don't reply but instead just give a nod of approval. I continue walking towards the entrance and Dave takes out a couple that are coming at me from the sides. I get to the entrance and three come at me, I throw the one on the right to ground, stab the one in the center, then crack open the left ones skull with the butt of the shotgun, and then drop down to the one on the ground and let the down force stab the zombie straight through the forehead. Dave had in the meantime, shot down about twenty zombies that were coming towards me. I sling the shotgun over my shoulder and take my bowie knife back out so that I could just stab the zombies instead of attracting more by shooting a gun. I see a path and take it. Two zombies get in my way and I simply stab them in the eye. I break through to the first door and smash it with my foot and attract attention. I ran and kicked the other one so that the zombies couldn't reach me first.

I crawl as fast as I can through the small gap in the glass door and hear a cry from the hallway on the left and run over. Luckily, the zombie had only broken the glass. I stab the zombie through the back of the head. I hear a scared but relieved sort of gasp. Apparently the door had been locked from the outside but it was jammed. I stick my head through the broken glass window and see a fellow ninth grader in there. I pay no attention to that at the moment because I heard a small piece of glass break on the floor. I look down at the knob and it was boarded up. I pull the shotgun back over my shoulder and tell the girl to watch out and so she moved. I shoot where the lock was and the lock pops along with the board snapping in half with an ear splitting sound and the door swung open. There she was cowering in the corner and I asked,"Did you board the door?"

She replies pointing to the opposite corner of the room,"No, Mr. Fred did."

I see a rifle pointed up in his mouth and a bullet hole through the top. A chill is sent up my spine and I ask,"Why...Why did he...uh you know-"

She interrupts,"He was bitten, he didn't want to suffer the pain."

I say to her,"We need to get out of here, the zombies have nearly broken in!"

I put out my hand and she takes it. I pull her up and hear the glass break. We take off running to the back door and I shove it open. To my relief there was no zombies in that fence, on the outside, that was a whole other story. I jump on the dumpster and help the girl up. I'm about to jump and I see a zombie. Dave sees me and shoots the zombie from about 200 yards away in the head. The girl jumps back and almost falls off of the dumpster but I catch her. I say," On three," I start to count,"one...t-"There is a banging on the door and zombies start pouring out,"Three!" We jump and to our relief the path is clear. We run and she follows probably wondering where we are going. I lead her to the suburban and open the door to the opposite side of where Carly is sitting and the girl asks,"Who's driving?"      I reply in an authoritive voice,"I am."     "But," the girl is about to say something when Carly interrupts,"Tony knows what he's doing."      I say to everyone one,"Buckle up, this isn't a joyride. This is survival now. We don't split up unless absolutely necessary. We are the new survivers, we may be the only survivers.". I say only in a cold voice.      I slowly speed up trying not to make too much noise so that the walkers wouldn't follow us. I ask the girl,"I know I've seen you before but I forget your name."        "My name is Judith but you can just call me Jude," the girl replied,"and you three are?"        "I'm Carly." Carly replies.           "I'm Dave." Dave replies.          "I'm Tony." I reply.           "We're going back to my house to figure something else out." I say.

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