[13] she's going home.

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w o r d s: 1504

p a g e s: 5

Today someone goes home. I pray that it's not Miracle. She's doing so well I don't want to lose her. She belongs in this competition. I get ready for the day, I put on a white V-neck and joggers. I yawn as I make coffee. Today is going to be a long ass day I can feel it in my bones. I put bread in the toaster. The coffee maker beeped and I put coffee in Miracle's favorite mug. I smile softly as I put my lips to it. I felt like she was with me, sitting on the counter looking at me. I kiss her every time I walk by. Her hair is a mess but I loved it.

I watched the news for a while. I feel old just by watching it. I shut it off and just laid on the couch scrolling through social media like everyone does when their bored as shit. I text Miracle. I text her saying please save me, bored as shit. She replied with bored too, date? I smiled. I replied with a fuck yes. I'm so glad that she's bored too. I wait a couple hours to take her out some place. I know she doesn't care where we go. We could stay here and watching Netflix. We could go somewhere and just sit in the back seat and just cuddle. My heart fluttered at the thought.

I got my ass off the couch and drove to the hotel. I hate that she lives at a hotel. I mean I know it's for their safety but still it's a pain. I text her saying I'm on my way. She replied quickly with an okay. I will never get use to the anxious feeling in my stomach when I see her. I will never get use to the beautiful girl I get to call mine. I will never get use to the euphoric feeling I get when I hang out with her. "Wow, I'm in love with her" I say out loud with a smile. I never been so head over heels for a girl in my entire life. There's something different about her, she's incredible.

I reach the hotel and I text her saying I'm here. I wait a few minutes when she came down. She was wearing ripped shorts and a yellow tank top. Her hair was in two braids. She looked pretty. "Hey babe" I say with a smile. "Hi" Miracle smiled kissing me. "What do you wanna do?" I asked her. "I don't mind" she beamed. "You hungry?" I asked. "Very" she nods. "It's settled then" I say smiling going to our favorite spot. "Do you think I'm going home tonight?" she asked worriedly. "No, you're too good babe" I say patting her thigh. She smiled softly. "You're being bias, Adam" she teased. "I maybe bias but I also know music" I replied. She looks at me. "What? I want you to stay until the final" I tell her. "Don't do anything to mess with this, okay? I mean it" she warns. "I know, Miracle" I tell her.

We reached the little restaurant. Her eyes shined. "This is when we had our first date" Miracle smiled. "Yeah, is that weird?" I asked looking at her. "No, it's perfect Adam" she smiled as we get out. "Good" I wrap an arm around her waist as we were walking to our usual seat. "It seems so long ago" Miracle dreamily stated. I nodded in response putting my head in my right hand looking at her with a smile. She mirrors me. "You look cute today" I tell her. She blushes. "So do you" Miracle stated touching her foot with mine. "Thanks" I say.

We ordered our food and talked about tonight knowing she's nervous. "Babe, you'll be okay? Believe me" I stated with a smile. "I hope you're right, baby" she dabs her lips.

Tonight, is the night people's lives change for the worst or for the best. I'm in the makeup chair along with the other Coaches. "You nervous?" Blake asked me. "Nah, you?" I asked. "Nah" he shakes his head. "I am!" Kelly pipes up. John nods in agreement. To be honest, I am so nervous for tonight. ANYTHING can happen and it'll be on us to save or steal people. I'm going to save my save for Miracle or anybody else on my team. I want to steal someone too. Off of Blake's team. "I'm going to steal Miracle off you, Adam" Kelly smirked. I roll my eyes. "She's still going to be in it" I boasted. The other coaches look at each other with a smile.

It was show time. We all walked out on stage, I kiss Carson like I always do and plop down on my chair that Miracle and I snuck in and made out in, I never made out on this chair before. I felt my face heat up at the heated moment. Carson called out the contestants. They all looked stunning. My eyes glued onto Miracle. She was wearing a short skirt and a tight crop top. She wore fishnets underneath the skirt. She looked like she could be an early 2000's superstar. Miracle belongs here. I know that in my heart.

It was down to three, Miracle, Mari, and Kim. They all had to sing to get a space on to the finale. It was commercial break and I had to pee so badly. I rushed to the bathroom and headed back. I bumped into Miracle. "Oh, hi" she blushed. "Hi" I look at her. "You look beautiful" I tell her. "Thanks" Miracle smiled. "I know you're going to win" I tell her totally missing the wall and fell. Miracle laughs but then helps me up. "Are you okay babe?" she asked me. "Yeah, I missed" I laughed. "You're bleeding, Adam!" Miracle lifts me chin up. My nose was bleeding. "Here" Miracle struggles to carry a chair and napkins. "Sit" she instructed. I nod and sat on the stool. "Hold this" she placed the napkin to my nose. "Thanks" I say. She's now in between my legs one arm is playing with my hair and one on my hand putting pressure on my nose. "Guys, let's go" someone informed us. We both nod. Miracle side steps out of my legs so I can get up. "Good luck, baby" I tell her kissing her softly on the lips. "Thanks babe" she smiled. I slap her ass as she walked. Miracle glared at me but smiled.

Mari was up first. Then Kim, Miracle was last. This is the time where the audience votes for who gets in. I used up my save and steal so I can't use it on Miracle. I tweet saying to save Miracle and Mari. I'm so nervous, I might throw up and my nose isn't helping with that. Another commercial break was called so the votes can roll in. I stopped in the bathroom to throw away my tissues. I walk out of the bathroom and grabbed a bottled water off the stand. "Peyton, come on please stop doing this" I heard Miracle mutter. "If I go back home, I'm quitting my job I swear" Miracle sighs in frustration. Peyton? I think that's the kid who she works with. I sneak closer. "Why? Because of you, Peyton I tried to be friends with you over, and over again but you fuck it up and I'm done" she grumbles. "Goodbye, Peyton" Miracle stated and hanging up the phone. She walks past me and goes into the bathroom. I feel for her; I wonder why she didn't come and talk to me about it. I know she can trust me with anything.

The time was finally here, we get to see who stays and who goes home. My hands were sweaty. I was nervous. "The person who gets to stay is" Carson pauses for effect. The judges look at one another. Miracle looks at me I wink at her causing her to smile softly. "Kim Cherry!" Carson exclaimed. Mari and Miracle look at each other, looking disappointed. Blake cheered hugging Kim. I hug both girls. "You were amazing" I tell both of them. "Thank you, Adam," the girls say in unison. "Okay girls, what do you want to say as your coach?" Carson asked. Mari went first. Then Miracle. "Adam, thank you for being an amazing coach and person" my girl tells me. I smile at her. I can't believe she's going home. "You're welcome" I mouth. "You've taught me how to be more confident with my voice and I thank you for that" she smiled wiping tears from her eyes. "You're welcome" I smile feeling my heart tighten in my chest.

I get off my chair and hugged both girls and wished them both well. I knew it would happen but I didn't know it would happen so soon.

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