neko peter/Steve (1)

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(peter's POV)

iv'e been keeping a secrete from everyone one. it's not everyday you find someone with tails and ears, yep im a neko and nobody knows. but lets not forget about Parker luck.

i am heading to the gym to do my daily work out, i do it very early so know one see's me. i cant work out and continue to hold the magic that hides my cat things. i learnt the spell from one of strange's books. so i let the spell go and work out. its much easier to hide my ears and tail when im being spider-man because the suit hides them. i was working on my flexibility workout stage when i heard a noise with my sensitive hearing. i turn to where the noise came from just to stop n my tracks. there in all his glory is captain america aka Steve. we both just sit there frozen, staring at each other. until i notice something, looking down his body you can see a bulge in his pants.

i completely forgot, oh no. without the spell he can smell my pheromones. he can see my ears. he can see my tail. im so stupid. i forgot about the time, and how he wakes up earlier then the other.

i freak out an start to run, but before i can exit im slammed into the wall. looking up i see Steve panting and staring at me up and down my body. i whimper and that brings his eyes to mine.

"Why did you keep this a secret?" he asks. "be..because then you guys would think I'm weird or when I go into heat you will attack me" his eyes soften with a hint of lust. He pins my hands above my head with one hand and the other runs down my sides​. I shiver and his hands lower. He grabs my butt with force and slams his lips on my.

(Steve's POV)

what am I doing? He's only 18 years old. But his phermones are so strong and the position he was in and how tight his clothes were on him got me hard. I can't stop. He smells so good I just want to bend him over and fuck him, and that's what I'm gonna do.

(Peter's pov)

He Yanks me by my hair and forces me on the ground, with my hands free I grab onto his thighs for support. I hear rustling so I look up to see Steve pulling out his hard cock. He grabs onto my hair a direct me to his dick.

"Go on suck, you know you want to. I'm gonna pound into you on both ends. So slick it up and make it ready" I lick his cock from His balls all the way to the tip. Hearing him grunt made me even more horny. I take the tip into my mouth a suck and lick anywhere I could and then I bring the whole thing into my mouth, going down my throat. Watching Steve through half closed eyes from pleasure, I see him throw his head back in pleasure. I swallow, suck and lick his cock until he starts to twitch. He Yanks me off and throws me onto a workout bench. He roughly pulls down my tight booty shorts and slaps my ass. I yelled a moan and rub my dick againts the bench.

"You like getting your ass slapped huh? You like me being rough with you don't you." He slaps my ass one more time and positions me with my ass in the air and my chest on the bench. He jams two fingers in my hole and sees I'm already soft and stretched. (Naturally Nekos are horny so they are already soft and prepared, plus I masterbate​ alot) he pulls out his fingers and slams into me earning a loud moan. With one hand wrapped around my throat and the other on my hips bruising them, he continues to fuck me with his super human strength and speed.(I'm Spiderman so I can take it)

"Aaah~.... Please, please, oh please more give me more and fill me up. Daddy please" I need him, I want him, more. Omg if I know what this felt like sooner i would've done it sooner.

Juices are slidding​ down my thighs, Steve is moaning and grunting under his breath, I'm moaning and begging for more, there is wet and slapping noises going through the room. He flips me over and brings one of my legs over his shoulder and then other to my chest. With the new angle I can feel him hitting my g spot and places he couldn't reach for me.

"I'm gonna cum Peter, I'm gonna cum all over your pretty body. Wouldn't you like that?" He says under his breath. I can feel him twitching inside me.

"Cum I need your cum. Please oh my God I'm gonna cum. Ah...please, please, please. Faster omg harder. I want to taste you all over me." I can't stop, I beg and beg until I see white. We both moaning each other's names as Steve pulls out and cums all over my body and face, adding to my cum. He collapses beside me and we lay there panting.

"Don't tell any one yet. I want you to myself for a bit and then I will share." He says. I nod my head yes and start licking his cum off my face. Seeing what I'm doing he growls and and shoves his tongue​ down my throat and goes down my neck leaving marks all over my soft milky white skin. He gets up and gets dressed and throws my clothes at me.

"Don't let anyone touch you till I say so. Come to me when you want it." He says before leaving me there covered in cum and wanting more.

Both not realising the person watching through the camera's with cum all over his pants from his "personal assistant" show. But will soon be getting what he always wanted after seeing Peter first take down the spell in the workout room.

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