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Chapter Four -- The Interview

Oriana paced the room as Caitlyn watched her, seated in a plush chair a couple steps from her. To say that Oriana was nervous of the interview would be the understatement of the the year. She gripped the locket so hard that for a second she feared that she broke it.

"Honey, you have got to calm down," Caitlyn ordered, motioning towards the seat next to her. "You have nothing to worry about, Marianne and Tyson are wonderful people."

It's not them I'm worried about.

Oriana nodded quickly and sat, her knee bouncing up and down rapidly. Again her hand flew to the chain around her neck as she stared at the door, forcing Caitlyn's eyes to the locket.

Caitlyn stared at it for a few seconds before averting her eyes. She knew not to ask about the locket, as it only provoked Oriana to become catatonic for a couple days. Caitlyn imagined that, when Oriana was in said trances, she was trying to remember her life before this.

The door clicked open, and Caitlyn and Oriana's eyes both flew to the door. The woman, Marianne, stepped thought first. She looked just as she had in the photo, bright red curls and sparkling green eyes, an infectious smile already on her face.

Next the father, Tyson, stepped into the room. A shy smile on his face, he rubbed his eye before he and his wife sat down in the two chairs opposite Caitlyn and Oriana.

"Hello again, Marianne, Tyson," Caitlyn shook both their hands and motioned for Oriana to do the same. "This is Oriana, she's very excited to meet you."

She managed to fake a little smile, but Oriana knew this interview would end like all the others. The couple leaving early, explaining to Caitlyn later that she was just too 'distant and disconnected with reality'. Sighing slightly, she looked down at the floor.

"Hello, Oriana," Marianne said, her british accent thick.

"Hi," Tyson squeaked so quietly it was barely inaudible.

"Hey," Oriana mumbled, not looking them in the eye.

"So, you're seventeen, mm?" Marianne said, the happy smile still spread on her face. "You're still in high school then. What are your interests and hobbies?"

"Um, I like stars, planets, stuff like that," Oriana said, taken off guard by their interest in her. Normally they spend the first ten minutes talking about themselves and their lives. "I also like drawing. Normally people's faces, like actors and stuff."

"Oh, really?" Marianne said as Tyson's face lit up. "Tyson's a big space nerd, and I'm actually an artist."

"Cool," Oriana tried to suppress a huge smile, trying to keep her cool. But these people were perfect for her, and she could tell already. "I want to do something in the arts when I graduate."

"That's amazing!" Marianne squealed, clapping her hands rapidly. "Working with art is truly a blessing if you have the passion for it."

"Yeah, I really hope I get the chance," Oriana smiled. "So what do you do, Tyson?"

"I, uh," he paused, rubbing his eye again. "I'm a professor of anthropology at a small college near our house. It's a small job, but I like it."

"Cool, so like history and stuff?"

"Sort of, it's a bit hard to explain," Tyson mumbled. "But yes, the study of man does include a bit of history."

Oriana nodded, not really knowing how to continue the conversation. They had a half an hour left and already they were running out of things to talk about.

"Oh!" she said, thinking of a topic. "Um, so you already have a son?"

"Yes, and he's lovely," Marianne said, smiling at Tyson and holding his hand. "Flint is adopted, but that doesn't change how much we love him. Tyson and I were unable to bear our own children, so three years ago we adopted Flint at fourteen. I guess you two would be about the same age, then. He's seventeen too, actually. I have a feeling that you two will get along wonderfully."

"Amazing," Oriana openly smiled, now feeling completely comfortable around the couple.

After about another twenty minutes, Caitlyn announced that their time was up, making Oriana frown. She felt like she had known Marianne and Tyson Rider for years, and she didn't want them to be out of her sight. She was afraid that after they left, they would tell Caitlyn that they didn't want her, and Oriana would never let that happen. This couple was perfect for her and she knew it.

"So, we'll be in touch," Caitlyn shook their hands again, nodding and smiling. "We'll talk about adoption and flight costs, uh, stuff like that. Thank you so much for coming in."

"No, thank you," Marianne smiled, glancing over at Oriana. "And you too, Oriana. It was a pleasure to meet you."

"You too," Oriana whispered cautiously as she shook the couples' hands. Smiling one last time, Marianne and Tyson exited the room.

"Well, that went well," Caitlyn leaned back in her chair.

"Yeah," Oriana whispered, more to herself than to Caitlyn. She was happy.

For the first time in her known life, Oriana was perfectly content.

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