Happy Birthday? | Peter Quill

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Everyone knew he couldn't remember any women's names after he ever had a one night stand. He just never cared. But you had been dating him for over five months, and he couldn't remember your anniversary.

This was going to be your sixth month together. A wide grin was on your face as you knocked on the door of the ship. "Quill?" The door quickly opened with a sleepy, distraught Peter next to the button to open it. His pajama pants hung low on his hips and he didn't have his shirt on. 'He must have just woken up.' You smirked at the thought. You walked up the ramp and wrapped your arms around his bare stomach. "Morning, sleepyhead." You smiled and put your chin on his chest to look up into his sleepy green??? eyes. He kissed your forehead and hugged you tight.

"Morning, doll." His messy brown hair brushed against your forehead. You smiled and pushed his hair aside. He leaned into your hand and closed his eyes.

"Do you know what day it is?" You smiled widely and watched him open his eyes with wrinkles eyebrows. Then, your smile dropped. He forgot. Again.

"Hmm." He thought for a second, looking above your head and out of the ship. "Your mom and dad's anniversary?" He asked.

"Nope." You popped the p with slight disappointment in your voice. "Not quite."

"Your brother's birthday." His eyebrows knit together as he began to think he didn't even know. "Why is this important?" You bit your lip and pulled away.

"Never mind. It's not a big deal." You looked down and quickly looked up with a fake smile that he could see through. "Go back to sleep, Peter. You look tired. Sleep in. You did have a long mission the last couple of days." You kissed his cheek then turned around. You walked back into the busy streets of Xandar and entered your apartment with a frown on your face and your eyebrows knit together, trying to keep the tears at bay.

You were getting ready for your interview that day when you heard your doorbell ring. You walked away from your closet and towards the door. You rang the person in and unlocked the door. You opened the door and saw Peter standing there with a cake that said: Happy Birthday? on it. "Happy Birthday?" He asked with part of a smile, hoping he was right. That phrase stung since you thought he knew when your birthday was.

"Peter Quill. I can't believe you. You can't even remember my birthday. I'm disappointed because this isn't the first time you've forgotten our anniversary. Our sixth to be exact." You crossed your arms and tapped your foot.

"You thought I forgot?" He smirked and pulled out a long box from his jacket. He handed you the box. You carefully lifted the lid and smiled widely as you saw the beautiful silver necklace with a locket on it. You opened the locket and saw you and him on your first date. A picture neither of you had taken. "I love you, y/n." Your breath stopped as you guys hadn't said those three words even though you were dying to. You looked up at him with tears in your e/c eyes. He pulled out a bouquet of red roses. You placed everything on the bench next to the door and pulled him by the back of his neck into a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer.

"I love you, too, Peter." You said the second you broke apart. Your eyes were still closed as you rested your forehead against his. You pulled out of his embrace and ran towards your room. "Wait right there, Quill!" You shouted. You grabbed the large box from under your bed and ran back to him. You handed him the box. He opened it and his face lit up as he saw the gun holster with silver lining the words: "y/n x Peter-forever" on it. He pulled you into a tight hug and kissed the top of your head. "I have to get ready for my interview, now. I love you, Peter." You smiled and pushed him out the door. You put the locket on and smiled to yourself as you put the roses in a vase filled with water. You walked back to your closet and picked out your outfit for the interview.

You walked out of the building with a sigh as you knew you weren't going to get the job. You looked up, ready to apologize, as you ran headfirst into someone. You opened you mouth but smiled immediately after when you saw Peter looking at you. You intertwined your fingers together. Every stress you gained disappeared the second you saw his smile. You both walked to the ship and you smiled when you saw the destination in the GPS type thing. You where going to Earth. You smiled and kissed his cheek. "I forgot to ask. Date? Tonight? Just me you and the galaxies?" He smirked and held both your hands while looking into your eyes with a twinkle in his. He smirked when you smiled back up at him.

"Definitely." You followed him with your hand held in his as he led you to the front of the ship. He sat you down and gave you a short peck on the lips before sitting in his own seat.

"Earth, here we come."


I got ninja shoes. I got them yesterday in Japan and I have ninja socks with 'em.

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