Leaving | Thor

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Everything in you was telling you to stay. But you had to go. The Avengers would kill you if they found out you were Thanos's accomplice and second in command when it came to destroying planets and killing thousands. You were his battle strategist. You were the one that put the idea of the infinity stones in his head. Made his illusion of perfection a real possibility.

And now you regret it because you know you will be among the billions who disappear. You don't want to do that to Thor. He's already lost everything. You don't want to look him in the eyes when you leave his side and turn to dust right in front of him. It'll crush his already broken heart. Turn it into dust like everyone about to disappear.

Your hand brushed against Thor's. You were looking straight, deep in thought, when Thor looked over at you. "My love, what is bothering you?" He asked quietly. His quietness was  something that came with the feeling of losing everything. He hadn't been as bold or loud as you remembered. He was a lot more physical too. Always grabbing your hand or having a hand on you at all times.

"Baby, I'm leaving." You didn't turn to him. "Before tomorrow comes." Tears pricked at your eyes as you gripped his hand. "You can say whatever you like, but I'm leaving. Letting go of all I've ever known." Thor's hand slipped out of yours.

"Please don't." Thor said in almost a whisper. "You can't leave me like everyone else." Thor was now standing in front of you. Anger was flowing through his blue eyes. Then he saw your expression. Saw the regret in telling him. "You must give me a reason."

"You don't want my reason." You answered and looked into his eyes with your watery e/c ones. "You would gladly have me leave if I told you, and I want to leave knowing you love me, not hate me. I made a mistake, Thor. One I can't fix. I don't have enough time to fix it. So let me go, Thor. I owe this to you, too. I love you and can't bear to see you hurt, so I'm leaving. I love you, Thor." You place a gentle kiss on his cheek. Tears of your own stained his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Thor." You pulled away quickly and ran out of the park you were spending your day at.

"You promised me you would not leave!!" He shouted after you. Your footsteps slowed to a halt, but you didn't turn around. 'Don't make this harder, Thor. Please.' Tears pricked at your eyes. "You promised." His soft voice came out lowly behind you. "Please do not turn out to be what I feared you'd be. A liar." The words spilled off his tongue like venom. "There have been one too many in my lifetime." Your back went ridged.

"You're right to believe I'm what you hoped I wouldn't be. I am a liar. I am a cruel woman. I am a monster. But I wanted something that would be an escape from my old lifestyle—even if it was temporary. And if I told you what I did, my escape wouldn't have been necessary. Thor, I can't fix what I did. Neither of us can. It's inevitable." You had finally turned to him, your hands on his chest and your e/c eyes on his electric blue ones. "Thor, this is a goodbye. One I very much regret having to say. I love you and wish I could spend the last of my days with you, but I can't. I wish I could escape this reality with you, but we both know that can't happen." Tears blurred your vision. More formed in Thor's blue eyes. He really didn't want this. He couldn't lose you too. Not after he had lost everything.

You were the last thing that tied him to reality. Were you gone, he'd be lost in a world where nothing is wrong or out of place. You would be there, along with Odin, Frigga, and Loki. "I guess I'm going to tell you what I did. The mistake you're going to try and fix but won't be able to. Baby, I put the thought of world perfection in Thanos's head. I made his dream a real possibility. Baby, I was his accomplice. I have made mistakes that no one can fix. If you kill me right here and now, I understand. I lied to you for two years and am telling you now that time will be stopping." He looked into your e/c eyes with heartbreak and betrayal shining bright in his. How could you do that to him? "I can't fix this. And neither can you, so let me run. Let me receive the consequences and punishments of all my mistakes."

Anger blew up in his blue eyes. "Y/n. You lied?" It wasn't even you being on Thanos's team that broke his already crushed heart. It was the fact of another person he loved lying to him like he meant nothing. Because to everyone in his life before you, that was what he was. Nothing. "Have these two years been a lie as well? Have I wasted my love on another liar, y/n? Please do not say I have. I have made a grave mistake, haven't I?" His words broke the little of a heart you had left. "And now you are leaving?! Not even attempting to fix this?!" He began to shout, making you shrink back. "Did I ever have any consent towards this?! Did you give one thought to how this would impact me, y/n?!"

"It's for your own good, Thor!" You shouted back. Confidence and frustration coursed through your veins. "You think I want this?! That I want to leave you?! That I EnJoYeD lying to you the entire time?! Do you think I wanted to tell you that I am a monster?! That I can't fix my past?! That you're the only thing that is keeping me from going back to help HIM?!" Tears slipped down your cheeks. "I'm leaving. For your good. Not mine. You can't stop me this time, baby. I really am sorry." No goodbye kiss this time. You stepped away from him and looked into his blue eyes, memorizing them to keep you from going back to Thanos. "Goodbye, Thor."  Your fingers ran down his chest for the last time before you turned around and left him in the middle of Central Park.

sorry, Thor.
Sorry for the late update!! Had a bit of a busy weekend, and I'm so happy to be home. My introverted self did not want to get up this morning for church. ALSO!!! I do need requests. Anything your hearts desire. Just request. Please.

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