Whip of supernatural

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~next morning~

I woke up screaming "Sheala!!!Sheala!!!" Claude fussed in with annoyed face "Yes?" I cringed at the smell, I sat there thinking what had happen. He growled in annoyance, "You said her name what do you want!!" I screamed again "My back!!" "BAISE" he sighed and entered and flipped me over. There was a deep red color all over the bed night shirt and his hands, "Oh my?" He ripped off my night gown and tossed it and got a warm wash cloth and put it in my mouth? "Bit down on this, and not me"I bit down so hard, i could feel him putting things on my back.

"Lets start to converse, take your mind of the pain" I hissed at him. "Allez vous faire foutre" I growled and cringed his smell was so musky, he sighed "Is this why you were forced to shut up, just like the triplets" he mumbled to himself. "What are you good at?" "A...art....AHHHHH.......MuAhhhsic, and Ticking people off" he smiled "Where are you from, are you french?" I hissed he was cleaning my wounds and this hurt more than expected. "I know nothing of my past, I only speak french because I came from france.............Stoopp....." i bit so hard on the rag i heard him cringe. "Is you're hearing, smell and tasting senses heighten?" I nodded "Done" he stopped i didn't move, my human flesh burning. I screamed, he moved to my sight "Your eyes are so beautiful" I closed them, "No need to be like that".

He paused and turned to a wardrobe "Maybe if you're good i will keep you as my own" "Je ne serai jamais votre animal de compagnie ou prises de sorte que vous pouvez fermer votre piège à ce sujet!" he smiled.

"In dew time my sweet all in time" he had another night gown. I sat up, hissing at the pain of moving, he changed me i was blushing, covering my self. He raised his eyebrow "Honestly do you think i'm going to care what you look like?" he smirked

after i was dressed i laid back down on the new sheets, "Claude?" testing his name out, he turned "yes?".

I was going to die if sheala found out, but heres it goes "Lay with me, personally i would prefer sheala, but since you're here you might as well as help" i turned hiding the fact i was blushing. I felt him turn around blowing out a candle. Claude moved to the bed laying down, grabbing my waist to pull me towards him. I could not protest I was already in trouble, "No manners towards your PET" i stammer, he chuckled. I cuddled with him my only warmth because he took my blankets. Merde you!.

~first person view and next morning~

Claude woke up the sleeping girl in his bed. Growled at him telling him to chier. He picked her up and growled threatening her. She got the image and yawned staring at him. "What are you doing?" he set her down. She was not chatty at all infact she was quiet, too quiet. "Pet talk to me is there anything you want me to get from Jacks?" she just shrugged "My books, and art book, and ......sheala" She whispered. He grunted hearing her name "Yes ok, No on sheala", her lip quivered. "Can i go with to see her?" He growled "No" she went by the mirror, and grunted "You will never speak of her here" Claude pointed out to Vixan. To his surprise she punched the mirror smashing it, all cracked "LEAVE THEN!!" he turned.

~he left her standing there~

Vixan went to the bathroom and looked around, there was a bathtub and shower. She looked around for something sharp nothing. She looked at the shower, "it cant hurt to shower" she paused "I'll wait for a bit then shower" she turned around.

~20mins later~

Claude was at jacks "Oh jack" he called out. "Here" jack was sitting in his chair depressed his little pet was gone. "OH CLAUDE" he shot up to see him again "yes i need to go to her room please" he happily gave him the keys. "Hows my little pet angel?~" claude hissed at the term angel "She's a little bad but i'm sure she'll be fine, I have plans to teach her" Jack bended over and went through his desk and pulled out a whip "This is for her use it only when it's needed" claude nodded taking the new weapon touching the long rope it burned him. "what the hell?" jack nodded "angels whip, she takes so much damage from it poor human" he laughed loudly. Claude left him there, finding her room. He got the books and drawing pad, he found books about myths and demons "Why my little pet, curious aren't we?" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE DEMON?!" Sheala came in.

"Getting things to entertain my pet" claude said calmly

"she is not your pet demon!"

"we'll see about that angel" He said calmly

"You're an abomination to that poor girl, and You should really be careful around her" she warned him.

"everybody says that, i'm a demon i think i can handle myself" he defiantly said.

"Is she even human?" he asked sheala, "I don't know"

as claude had a handful of clothes and items of Vixan, he made his way to the wagon. "Why haven't you left angel?" he was annoyed by the angel present.

"I'm coming with you to check on my baby, I swear demon if shes hurt in any manner i'm coming after you!" He sighed "Shouldn't you be trying to purify the world right now?" she grunted "No for your info it will never be pure, and I'm not a fallen angel I came down here by choice"

~20mins later~

Claude and sheala came inside the trancy manor and went to look for the girl that was locked up here. when they reach claudes room they heard the shower running. Vixan was singing in such a beautiful manner. Claude listened to her "I'll tear you down make you bleed eternally~" she hums a bit "I don't have wings, so flying with me won't be easy, I'm not an angel, i'm not an angel~".

Claude closed his eyes listening to her silky voice, "I've only heard her sing once, this is rare" Then the water stopped "Sheala?". Claude was jealous she didn't call him " Here!!" the angel replied.

Then the door slammed open to find a wet steaming Vixan, claude licked his lips.

~after 30 mins of non stop cussing, talking and dressing~

"Dearest as much as i want to take you away I can't not now" she said with a sigh

"Do you hate me?" Vixan replied harshly

"N..no why would you think that?" she was stunned

"Because you're going to leave me here with a demon? to do what? Kill me, take my soul that you only get one of!!" she yelled at her then she hiccuped.

Claude was also stunned "......."

sheala grabbed her by the arm smelling her "Wine?", then she realized Vixan was not singing of being sober but she was drunk, Claude waited on sheala.

Claude ran to the bathroom looking around and found a wine bottle empty "You drank all my wine?!" she laughed at him "Payback for not bringing me" she fell on sheala.

"Vixan!!" she screamed "Why?"

claude "She asked me to take her so she could say something to you"

they laid her down on the bed. "Can i have one of your feathers?" she stammered about to pass out drunk "feathers?" "ha you think so little of me, you're an angel but i couldn't confirm that till claude said it so loud~" Sheala handed her the feather "See you later baby".

{So sorry if its says Nightingale anywhere! I hated that name for her but this was already typed T~T so please forgive me I fixed what I could}

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