Chapter 6: Target practice

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Bill awoke at 2:30 in the morning, he tried getting back to sleep to no avail. He decided he might as well do something productive with his time, so he headed down to the shooting range to practice his aim. There were no lights on in the complex due to the time, so he navigated the corridors with his phone's flashlight. He made his way into the shooting range and was about to turn on the lights when he heard movement. He looked up, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Suddenly, a silhouette moved quickly past the counter in front of him. He pointed the phone at it, but of course there was nothing there. He moved over to the gun wall, keeping his back to the gun wall in order to keep eyes on where he last saw the shadow. He had just reached the gun wall and prepared to turn around to quickly take a firearm. He turned around, suddenly seeing a masked figure's head a hair's length from his. Instinctively, Bill swung a fist out at the figure, connecting solidly with their head. "Aarhgh!" Exclaimed Dan, catching himself on a counter next to the gun wall. "Dan?" Bill asked. Dan took off the mask and turned on the lights. "You didn't have to do that" Dan said to Bill, holding his nose. "Well you sneaked up on me in the dark." Bill returned. Dan picked a revolver off the wall, inserted a single round, and spun the cylinder. "Fancy a game?" Bill looked at Dan and shook his head. "Ok then, what do you want to do?" Bill walked over to the wall and took two Beretta M9s and chambered a bullet in each of them before removing the magazines. "Closest to the centre down the 100m range wins." Dan smiled and took an M9 off Bill. Bill fired his shot first, followed shortly by Dan. They went down to measure their shots. "So I got 16cm from the centre dot..." Bill began "and we don't know how far from the centre dot you got because there's a bullet hole where the centre dot should be." Bill looked at Dan, "did you just bullseye on a 100m range?" Dan looked back, then at the target, them back at Bill. "Huh." He said. "I guess I did." Dan looked down at the M9. "It was probably just luck." Bill made a pondering noise at this before placing his M9 back on the wall, Dan followed suit. They made their way back to their dorm together; through the silent, pitch-black hallways of the complex. Bill collapsed into his bunk the moment he scaled the ladder, eager to get back to sleep after their nighttime activities. This however, was not going to be the night's agenda. Suddenly an alarm sounded, a red light flashing in the top corner of their room. Bill had not noticed this light before, and read the sign under it. 'So, we have an assignment.' He thought to himself, climbing down from his bunk to see Dan already dressed, ready to leave the dorm. "You go, I'll catch you up." Bill said, to which Dan nodded before heading out of the door, bound for the planning room. Once Bill had arrived, everyone was already leaving the room and heading for the armoury. "What's the fucking situaaaaation?" Bill asked. "What the fuck do you want." Replied Dan, to which Bill responded with. "I'm the motherfucking manager." Dan pulled Bill by the arm, signalling him to follow. "Ride shotgun with me, I'll explain on the way to the chopper." Dan and Bill ran to the armoury and opened their lockers. They got their guns and armour, which was all they gave a fuck about, then left for the garage. The pair jumped into Dan's Aston as he pulled a handbrake turn around ash's peel p50, which was coincidentally the same size as her hitbox. They negotiated past Castle's black Cadillac, Capitao's tan sedan, Doc and Rook's Baguette with wheels, Bandit's  Panzer, Blackbeard's car with the clingfilm windshield, Mozzie's kangaroo and Nokk's [redacted]. "So basically terrorists have broken into the Bank of China, the biggest bank in the world. The chinese SWAT is on scene, but are taking heavy casualties." They reached the field, carefully avoiding the number 82 bus which was still making its way through the field, and parked in the barn. They boarded the helicopter with everyone else, and prepared to take off.

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