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Cath walked down her dorm hall. She stopped when she saw Levi sitting by her door, "How long have you been here?" Said Cath. " About 15 minutes." She unlocked the door and Levi threw his body onto her bed. "Cather, what do you want to do tonight?" Levi exclaimed. "Well I have to write some in Carry On.... She remembered that it was over. Simon and Baz were over. How about your house?"

They rode the shuttle to Levi's house. He skipped steps going up the levels. They finally got to his room. Cath never got over the smell. It smelt so much like him. She could stay here and write all day. She sat on the antique couch and remembered how excited he was for her to come to his house for the first time. "Cather, will you read to me? We never finished that chapter yesterday of Carry On." Levi said. "Why do you like it when I read to you?" Cath asked. "Because I love the way your voice rolls over the words like you were meant to read them." Cath thought and she rembered the first time she read to him. "Ok."

Cath climbed onto his bed. The sheets were so soft. She got onto his lap and started to read. She stopped after some time. "Do you need a break?" Levi asked. "Yes." Cath replied. She got up to wash her face off. She walked back into the room. Levi had his knees up. Lap not available. She sat on the other side of him. He kissed her forehead. She kissed him back. She closed her eyes. She leaned over on Levi's shoulder. His flannel shirt hung over his body. Cath could sense the smile reaching across his face. They sat there on his bed with the window open blowing in cool air. Everything was perfect. She decided that she could skip on writing that night.

Carry On, CathWhere stories live. Discover now