Chapter One

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Anthony barges through the school doors with a clan of boys and girls following behind as jake gilbert the star athlete and Derek Johnson close hand bad boy follow up front with him.
"Karla baby" he shouts seeing Karla chase the most popular girl in school walk up to him "dick" she says smacking him across the face "you left me hanging ashole we were meant to meet up at the movies" she says slapping him again walking off.
"oo man that got a sting" says Jake seeing the red hand mark across Anthony cheek.
Anthony scratches it "nothing new from her boys she's the queen bee yo" anthony says after her.
Anthony turns to face his crowd "alright my fans I got to go detention slip ye know the deal cath ye later lads" anthony says turning with a grin heading to the secretary's office.

Anthony walks up the corridor as he charges through the door of the office "yo ye know the deal" he says rudly as he sits down waiting for his slip.
The secetary Alice frowns as she delt with a new student Clarissa grace Alice grabs his slip stamping it.
Anthony snatches it seeing Clarissa "hey wassup" he says quickly as he takes the slip.
"hey I'm Clarissa grace new" Clarissa says with a smile.
"nice to meet you Clarissa grace new" he says with a cheeky smile.
She smiles about to say something before being interrupted.
"I would hun this is Anthony navvaro the dick of the fucking school" says Sammantha strolling in raising a eyebrow at him despite being his childhood best friend
"ya what ever Sam if I am that then what are you" he says shooting her a cold glare before winking at Clarrise and leaving.
"ok sweetheart here's your schedule, locker combo and number" says the secetary handing her a sheet.
"thanks uh" she says taking the sheet in her hand.
"Alice hun" she says introducing herself with a smile.
"I'll show you to your locker let's see ah locker six hundred and twelve follow me my new friend" Sam says with a soft smile leading her to the locker.
Clarrise smiles at her brightly "thanks Sam right" says Clarrise as she enters her combo.
"well Sammantha but call me Sam please I hate being called Sammantha don't ask me why I just do" says Sam as she lays a hand on her shoulder softly
Clarrisa smiles as she sticks up her schedule to the inside of the locker door before turning to face her "I'm Clarrisa grace" she says introducing herself as she shakes her hand.
Sam smiles "need hand for classes" she asks.
Clarrisa turns as she grabs books for her first period of classes and puts them in her bag "I think I'm fine" she says kindly.
Sam smiles "I think we'll get on great we seem to be so far huh" she says with a smile as she puts a arm around her "now time to get you in on the groups" says Sam as she turns Clarrisa around shutting her locker door as she led her to the cafeteria.
Sam arrived in the cafeteria as she drags Clarrise by the wrist coming to a stop as she looked out at the groups "OK" Clarrise says as she shakes her head confused.
Sam smiles "OK" she says as she points over at gang of guys lean flexing their muscles "those are the jocks your usual ol' jock ya know seen at the football pitch mostly" Sam says as Clarrise nods.
Sam smiles changing view as she points over at a gang of guys and girls all in leather jacket " some people refer to them as the wolves" Sam says.
Clarissa looks at her "uh why" she asks looking at them.
"I don't know actually maybe because their reckless like wolves and always in packs ya know" Sam says as she explained the last of the groups.
"what about him?" asks Clarrise as she pointed over to the derek Johnson and Anthony.
"what can I say top badboy of the school in detention ever day every week" says Sam as she stops pointing.
Clarrise lowers her hand "what do you know about Anthony" she asks as she smiles.
"well uh he's your technical dream badboy ya know pranks fights the usual s-h-i-t" says Sam as she looks at her smile "oh please no you barely know him and you like him already" says Sam as she looks at her in disgust "eh what the hell it's your life".
Karla strolls over "she is right ya know Anthony is a peice of underrated peice crap on my left but cheek" she says with a soft smile "I'm Karla Karla chase".
"Clarissa Clarissa grace" she says smiling.
Karla stares wide eyed at her jacket "oh wow wow wow I love your jacket" Karla compliments.
"my auntie works for a designer on San deigo she sends some work of her every month" she says with a smile

After school Anthony groans as Clarissa waves bye to him heading out of school "see ya Clarissa" he says as he strolls into the detention room as he strolled to the far left near the window he looks around as he sees Alex Kane Sandra Melissa derek and a couple others.
Anthony sees as he tosses his feet up on the table as he looks to the members of his pack rembering tonight was a full moon and even more important to him it was his first change.
"ALRIGH CHILDREN OF SATAN" yells Mr Nicholas the teacher as he slams his hands down on his desk "ye know the drill by now".
Anthony groans looking down at the sheet he groans looking around seeing some of the students start writing.
Anthony rolls his eyes before he starts writing down on the sheet.

Anthony yawns as he looks out the window seeing the moon rise his eyes widen he turns as he faces alex nodding to him he returns the nod.
Alex gets up causing a distraction "WHAT THE HELL DUDE" alex yells as he clenched his fist punching one of the jocks hard across the face.
"OI" the teacher yells getting up grasping him by both arms tossing him out "PRINCIPALS Office" he screams.
"as you wish sir" says Alex as he had successfully distracted the teacher as Anthony kane Sandra and mellisa snook out through the window.

Anthony looks at them his eyes starting to glow "keep low or he'll spot us" says Anthony as they crouch low and rush across the yard heading to the woods when out of sight they all burst foward they meet alex in the woods.
"packs meeting at the mountain peak let's go now" says Alex as he shifts at will to his wolf form he races foward a head of the other four.
Anthony looks foward as Melissa Kane Sandra jump over him shifting in mid air to their wolf form they race ahead of him.
"cool" anthony says to himself as he takes a breath before charging foward catching up with the wolves before they arrive at the peak with every one after changing besides the alpha of the pack jay navvaro Anthonys father.
"ready my child" he says as Lisa and jasmine stood next to him in their wolf form.
Anthony smiles nodding "yeah" he says as he stands at the highest ground of the peak he looks up at the moon as it shines bright seeing it in full view.
Anthony blinks before looking up as his eyes start to glow a golden yellow he turns facing the pack as they all had shifted.
Anthony clenched his teeth together as they slowly form the wolf like fangs Anthony grabs his stomach as he starts to wince he drops to all fours as his body slowly manufactures itself into the wolf like body shape his fangs forms as hi body slowly shifts into his wolf... There stood a dark black menacing wolf with glowing golden yellow eyes the wolves all form a circle as they lift their heads and howl up at the moon.

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