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Yelp! Let's hear this nobody babble a bit!

Okay, I'm just requesting a bit of an attention before you embark into reading this poetry collection.

I'm an amateur poet (and writer) and I'm glad to see that some people do enjoy my writings over here. (😭 I thought nobody likes my work but apparently I do have a few readers here so I really want to thank you guys!!!) I want you to know this because please feel comfortable in critiquing if you feel my work has areas to improve. I'm no natural Einstein in writing so help is very appreciated.

Now, I would like to say a few words about this poetry collection. This poetry collection is about the idea of death. It's about death when we're alive-it's about death in various forms and also among other themes that it will touch upon. In my other poetry collection, "Teardrops", it's more personal to my experience but this collection will be touching on some topics that I may not have complete knowledge of, and other people's experiences which I hope to make it as accurate as possible. That being said, feel free to tell what you feel about these pieces. Even if you feel like pissing on it. 😂

That is the end! See? It's not too long-

Okay, now go on. I hope this poetry collection have done something for you, even in ways that you might not know.

Yours Sincerely,
AL Sherry

P.S. I'll get a cover when I can. 😂 now I'm just not in any mood to make one. I might get somebody to make it though.


Copyright © 2019 by AL SherryAll rights reserved. This book or any portion thereofmay not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoeverwithout the express written permission of the publisherexcept for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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