Charles cox is an Canadian America man from New York. Charles was born on February 3rd of 1909 and is 5'7. He served as a doctor for the allies in ww2. Cox is usually a very distant person. If his childhood with an abusive aunt wasnt enough to give him ptsd, and make him very self aware of whom he should trust, he has gone trough some traumatizing experiences trough out the war. Charles has been capture, and has almost lost one of his patients during the war. Beeing distant and cold is just part of him since he has been traumitised trough a buch chunk of his life, and there has been only two people whom he is able to trust. A buddy he met in a war named Paul, and a man about his age named Jetson, his love at first sight. Charles is bisexual and has loved 3 people, with a plausible crush. His first love was a girl he met when he was 7 years old. His second love was a girl named Emily, he later found she was faking her love. More reasons to untrust people. Yet when he met Jetson he knew that he had met his soulmate. When ever he is near jet (btw jet is 5'4 so if I ever say the shorter male or something like that the you know who im talking about) his heart flutters and he seems so trusting, theres no residue of torturer inside of his eyes. Their last date was at a musical theater where Charles learned from Jetson that it doesn't matter what your watching, it just matters who you're with.
When trying to go to the bathroom Charles enter a different door, inside everything was blinding him, it was like everything was made from a bright white light, and fell asleep. When he woke up he found himself in the future, in the year 2017, he spent 2 year looking for a way back, when he finally did he had jetson back, and was able to live in the future with him.