Chapter 4: The Next Day

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hey guys! sorry i've been away so long and that this chapter is kinda short! i've just been so busy with school and being a senior...i promise the next one will be better! but please still comment and vote! i'd love to hear your thoughts! enjoy :) --starrynightss xx

I rush to find my clothes which are still damp, but they’d have to do. And then I go into the bathroom to change. When I’m done Niall comes in to try and calm me down.

“Relax, the damage has already been done, so we should just enjoy it while it lasts.” And he comes closer.

“That doesn’t make me feel much better.”

“Well maybe this will,” he says with longing in his eyes, and kisses me passionately on the lips, closing the small gap of space that was between us. Then he pushes me up against the bathroom sink, and I sit on top of it as I kiss him back. It just felt so right, I smiled and bit his lower lip lightly and looked into his eyes, and it seemed at that moment they glowed so much that they weren’t even real.

Then he hugs me tight, lifting me from the sink to the ground in front of him. He turns and smiles, then runs his fingers through my loose curls. He looks almost nervous afterwards, he sighs, stepping back from me a little bit and runs his fingers through his blonde locks and bites his lip. He looks down, starting to turn red in the face and starts for the door, when I stop him by grasping his arm and he hesitantly turns and looks back at me.

“Why do you keep doing this?”

“Doing what?” he responds innocently with his head tilted to one side.

“What you’re doing right now, you act like there’s something wrong with us being close. Is there something wrong?”

“It’s nothing, really, you’re just too beautiful to look at sometimes.” He smirks, trying to get away from the subject. “Why don’t I take you home?”

I was flattered and blushed, but I knew in my gut that it had to be something more than that. He was hiding something, maybe it had to do with that dream I had a few weeks ago? No, it couldn’t have, I only met him 2 days ago.

I consent and walk with him to his car, and while we’re going to my apartment, I try to figure out what’s really going on.

“I’m still not convinced, you’re unlike any guy I know, you’re sweet and funny, then why don’t you like me? Did I do something wrong?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, I think you’re beautiful, and I like you too. It’s nothing you did.”

“Then what is it? You act like you want to be with me one minute, and then the next you don’t?”

He gets nervous as he realizes what I’m asking, “Well—I know I’ve only known you for a short time, but I can’t stop thinking about you.” He smiles nervously at me. “I think I love you.”

I was so glad that we pulled up to my apartment just as he was saying that, because I had no idea how to respond to that, and I don’t think he was expecting an answer from me, which was good. I thought I loved him too, but love is such a strong word, I just needed more time.

So I just smile at him. “Thanks for taking me home.” And I kiss his cheek and he blushes. “Anytime.” I get out of the car and walk towards my house as he drives away. I don’t understand that boy, I don’t think I ever will…

What would I do without you? (Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now