Meeting Mr. Hottie-Tottie

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       Light blue eyes with flecks of gray make me their target. They look like they're tinged with amusement, but that can't be it when my mother's eyes are filled with disgust. It's understandable though, what with orange juice stains and my unruly appearance. And hey, can't forget about not wearing any pants. But hey, give me some credit. My panties are pretty damn cute.

        I scramble for an explanation, but even before one magically appears in my brain, my mother comes to the rescue...well for herself, not for me.

        "I am so sorry," she says to the yummylicious boy standing next to her. "This is Melissa, one of my daughters."

        Woah, hold up, rewind button, backstroke, scootch your boot backward. Melissa?

        She does a quick glance towards me and I raise my brows, shooting her a questioning glare. She shoots her own glare, a look that tells me to be quiet, but does it with a smile. Weird...I should learn how to do that.

        She turns her head back to Mr. Hottie-Tottie over there and says, "I would like to apologize for her appearance. I don't know what has gotten into her, she stays, well she stays with her father." Queue the fake emotion and the weepy attitude. Oh, whatever. "And well, we're not together anymore, and well, you can see why. Now we don't need to share all the gory details, do we?"

        "Oh, well-" Blue Eyes started to say before Mom so rudely interrupted.

        "So, Melissa and Alexandra are twins, and Melissa lives with Christopher up in New York, while Alexandra lives here with me. She was just visiting for the week, but she'll be gone by this evening," she says with a smile, and then turns towards me. 

        Are you for reals? She actually made a fake daughter. A fake daughter. A fake daughter, to make up for my mistakes. That' That's just wow. Thank you, mother for that vote of confidence and faith.

        She mouths, wait here, before turning back to him and ushers him towards the living room, talking about how proper, and nice, and well-mannered Alexandra is, and how he'll have a lovely time with her on their date. Oh, great. Another boring guy I have to waste my time with. He may be hunky, but personality is more important. Can't have boring clashing with spitfire can we? I mean, hunkiness is a good factor, too, but you know what I'm trying to say?

        Mom stalks back towards me, looking annoyed as hell.

        "I'm not even going to ask, just get your butt upstairs, get dressed, and meet us downstairs in ten minutes. You know what will happen if you don't. You should be glad I'm doing this for you." Right.

        She points her finger towards the stairs, as if I don't know the direction. I roll my eyes and walk past her.

        "And for Christ's sake, put a skirt on!" she reprimands.

        I smile smugly, knowing I've annoyed her going sans bottoms.

        Eight minutes later, I'm slowly walking down the stairs, reluctant to show the dude and mom, Alexandra. Not Alex. Alexandra, the girl who has mascara, blush, and lipstick on. The girl who has a light, pink, flowy dress on, one that hits right above my knees. The girl with matching low heels and earrings and bracelets. I'm not that girl. I don't want to be. But I have to be if I want that scholarship to get out of this place.

        I'm now standing in the entryway to the living room, preparing myself for the onslaught of boredom coming my way. Before I can put on my armor and choose my weapon of choice, my oh-so-lovely mother beckons me toward her.

        "Oh Alexandra, you look so beautiful, dear!" mother gushes. She stands up and takes my hand in hers, showing me off like a new toy to Mr. Cutie. He stands up, takes my other hand in his, and kisses it gently, sending a wave of goosebumps up my arms, and butterflies in my tummy.

        Hot dang, that was...nice. Real nice.

        Get a hold of yourself, Alex! Geez!

        I clear my throat a little and try to gently yank my hand away from his. I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want this guy, or any guy for that matter, to get close to me. I'm just doing this for my scholarship, but I need my mom's approval before I can get it. And she's not signing it until I find a nice guy, AKA, a guy my mom finds me, AKA a guy that is boring as heck. She thinks that if I find a nice guy, maybe he can tame me before I go out into the world and get even more wild and crazy.

        I smile tightly while sitting down in the loveseat next to the sofa, smoothing down the skirt of my dress. I link my fingers together and place them in my lap, while crossing my ankles and tucking them to the side, The Princess Diaries style. It's time to turn up the posh and manners.

        "Hi, it's so nice to meet you, um..." I begin.

        "Mason. Mason Deveraux," he supplies. Amusement twinkles in his eyes yet again. What is up with this guy? But to be honest, that was the most yummiest name I have ever heard.

        I look him up and down, taking in his features. His hair was dark brown, so much that it almost looks black. It was a little longer in the front and gelled up. His eyes was a nice light blue with gray flecks, making me have the urge to just look at them all day, and yes, they were that beautiful. I moved down lower, to his broad chest and muscular arms. He was tan, hinting at an Italian background. Mmm, maybe he can make me spaghetti since I didn't get to finish the leftover spaghetti before I was so rudely interrupted. He was taller than me, maybe a around 5' 8'', against a little measly 5' 2''.

        I glanced back at his oh-so-beautiful face and found him smirking at me. Caught. But I can say the same thing for him, since he kept looking me up and down.

        My hair was a flaming red, wavy and fell down to the middle of my back. My eyes were a bright blue and I had a light smattering of freckles on my nose. That was one of the things I didn't like about me. Since I had light fair skin, the freckles were more prominent at times.

        He gaze met mine and he smiled a dazzling smile. God, his teeth were straight.

        Holy shizzle. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

        "Oh Mason, you're such a  gentleman!" mother gushed, yet again. I guess she was talking about the whole kissing my hand spiel. Whatever.

        "Well Alexandra, I've told Mason some things about you, all good things I might add," she directed at me. Ah dang, that means she said bad things about me.

        "Well, I'll leave you two kids to it," she smiles.

        She gets up and walks towards me, bending down to give me a peck on my cheek, no doubt leaving a lipstick mark. She whispers in my ear, telling me to not mess this up, and turns to leave, her heels clicking on the floor, fading until I know we are truly alone.



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