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It was August 17th, 2051- the new era in a digital age. It was a cool autumn's day, with bright crisp colored leaves strewn out across the long walkway.

Many people trafficked along this path that seemed to stretch on for miles upon miles. First day of college, and nerves were high, except for one. A boy who looked to be about 21, with light orange hair and hazel eyes fixated on the open gate. "Hmm.. Back again huh?" He strolled his way over to the front gate with his hands in his jacket pockets. 'I'm already a Senior, but nothing has changed. I expected something monumental to happen in my life.. But I guess not. Oh well' he shrugged his thoughts off and went into his homeroom.

"Hey Maka!" A boy with sleek black hair and glasses called out to him.

"Hyruta.. What do you want?"

"Oh uh, we have the same homeroom. Coincidence huh buddy?" The boy smiled.

"Since when were we buddies?" Maka walked over to the seat in the back row by the window, and gazed out at the falling leaves. Lost in thought, he laid his head down for a moment.


Maka lifted his head up to see who had called.

"Mr. Maka was it? Class has started. Don't start your infamous 'bad boy' behavior on me that I've heard of so much.." The teacher stood firmly in front of Maka's desk. Her eyes glaring into his impatiently.

"Whatever you say ma'am.." He sighed sarcastically. His eyes rolled.


Maka looked back up at the clock. "3:30 already? The day went faster than I thought.." He grabbed and threw his backpack over his shoulder and exited the classroom.


"Hey! Stay away you creeps!" A girl who looked about Maka's age was surrounded by a group known as the college's 'Bad Boys.'

"C'mon Kyriel, don't judge us like that." The leader stepped forward, a smug grin spread on his face.

Kyriel glared at the man in disgust. Her dark brown hair with red highlights started to show. Her blue eyes looked ready to turn red from anger.

The group moved in closer to her, and Maka took notice. Kyriel scowled and tried to back away but couldn't.

"Hey! There's no need for this. Leave her alone alright?" Maka stepped forward, and tossed his backpack on the floor. "We don't wanna resolve to violence now do we?"

"Tough guy huh? Why would you wanna protect her for anyway?." The leader, Kazu mocked.

"Because it's not right to just let some assholes like you pick on a girl."

"So you're the hero now?!" Kazu busted up laughing.

Maka glanced over at Kyriel. "Well?"

"I could have handled these goons myself ya know.." She exhaled heavily between gritted teeth.

"Sure you could've.. That's why they have you cornered. So shall we?" Maka grabbed Kazu by the arm, and threw him over his head.

"Baka! I wasn't ready!" Kyriel grabbed one of the goons and tossed him into some others.

The two stared daggers at each other a they each took out their fair share of the goons. Punches and kicks were flying left and right, until only the two remained.

The leader finally was able to stand on his feet. "These guys are crazy! Retreat!" Kazu and all of his goons ran down the pathway out of the school.

"Phew, some workout huh?" Maka wiped his forehead and smiled.

"I didn't need or want your help. I could've handled those guys myself." And with that, Kyriel stormed off.

"Geez, a simple thanks would've sufficed.." Maka scratched his head in confusion. "What is up with her?"


The next Day:

School would begin in a moment, but Maka still had that fight on his mind.

'I don't need or want your help'

Those words rang through his head.

'Huh? It's her again.." Maka looked out and saw the mysterious girl again. This time practicing her fighting skills?

"Geez.." She sighed.

"Hey! Kyriel right?"

"Oh great, it's the Baka again.." She scoffed.

"You know you didn't properly thank me yet."

"And I have to because?" She threw done her gloves and walked over to Maka.

"Because I saved your back out there. You just don't like to admit that do you? That's why you're fighting now."

"Fine.. If you wanna know so bad I'll tell you. But you better NOT tell anyone. You understand Baka?"

"It's Maka.. Stop calling me that." He sighed.

"I can call you Baka if I want to after what you did. I think I'll just call you Baka Maka now.."

"Uh, yea I'd rather not be called-"

"Great. Baka Maka it is." She smiled sarcastically.

"Ugh fine. Whatever. But why did you act like that before?"

"Like what?" she glared daggers at him.

"I don't need or want your help. Your exact words. I don't really get it, seems pretty unreasonable to me if you-"

"It's because I don't want to have to rely on anyone ok?.. I- don't want people to misjudge me and automatically think I'm weak because I'm a girl."

"And because I helped you.. That's what it looked like." Maka frowned slightly.

"Yea.. But I can fight pretty well though. I was just off yesterday for some reason." Kyriel trailed off and put her gloves back in a storage box.

"Where are you going?"

"What does it look like? Class. You're gonna be late too if you don't hurry up Baka." She was nearly out of his sight.

"Wait! I barely got to know you." Maka ran up to catch her.

"So? This wasn't a play date you know."

"What class are you in at least? Maybe we can meet up and practice sparring."

"Junior class, Mishimoto's homeroom. And thanks but no thanks, I'm fine on my own." Kyriel reached the top of the pathway.

"Junior huh? I'm a senior." He smiled.

"Good for you.. Seriously get to class and stop stalking me around , people might get the wrong idea. I'll see ya later. Baka."

Maka watched Kyriel walk into her homeroom and smiled.

"This is gonna be interesting.."

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