What a pleasure

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It had been months since sangwoo had pursued yoonbum ,and throughout the solitary and months of waiting with abuse here and there a light finally shined a little brighter than most.

With a dead but chilling voice ,"Get your ass up and start packing " even though it wasnt the best to hear sangwoo in a mood yoonbum skipped yawning and stretching and stood erect in front of sangwoo slowly.

"Dont look at me hury I threw clothes in your closet so move and find a bag "Sangwoo scolded still standing in his same position as yoonbum searched around for clothes and had a small pile of clothes folded in his hand while sangwoo whistled and tripped yoonbum on his way to get the bag.

"Mhg" yoonbum felt a small peck of wood press into his arm as sangwoo left the room and yoonbum then collected himself trying not to cry.

As yoonbum went to get his bag he noticed a familiar smell that it had as well as the distinctive black and slightly red color.

And although yoonbum didnt feel good to stuff his clothes in the bag he just assumed to be quiet and before they knew it they were on the road.

The road was long and seemed endless ,it didnt help that yoonbum felt sick just from how his mind wondered on the bag , in addition with the pain of his slightly bleeding elbow he forgot to patch up.

But just as the ride was long it was enjoyable once yoonbum was greeted by a pleasant looking hotel .

Not only that but, it seemed quiet big...expensive almost when he took a small glance at sangwoo..but he just... sighed "Dont look at me " Sangwoo parked and took his bags into the hotel and before bum regressed almost wandering on this "mood" he was in.

Then ever so suddenly that feeling of despair and sickness was gone and replaced with curiosity and happiness.

By the time yoonbum and sangwoo were accompanied to their room sangwoo finally spoke.

"You seemed curious about that bag" and with a small faint voice yoonbum replied " yes " sangwoo replied " Well it's the same duffle bag I used to put that body in" and with those disgusting words sangwoo grew into a menacing smirk without a word.

Yoonbum felt quiet terrible all morning, but to know that his clothes had been put in that bag ..the one that once held a dead man almost made him consider dieing right then and there before he broke down in an endless sea of tears.

Compared to what he thought ,his mind overwhelmed his precious thoughts..everything was a blur until sangwoo spoke again.

"But anyway now that we've made it to the hotel we should eat up you sure must be hungry" yoonbum wasnt hungry at all he had just lost his appetite yet, a part of himself couldn't help but agreed to sangwoo's proposal ..maybe his subconscious...or maybe the submissive side that made him feel so helpless took control..either way he couldnt help but just agree to blank out.

So after what was assumably dinner yoonbum was invited to a bath ..awhile his mind pondered the evil trick sangwoo set up on him  he continued to feel the same despairing feeling he did at first ..after the slow minute he took..maybe even a bath would fix this madness in his head.

Once arriving in the steaming hot sauna of a bath sangwoo began stripping his clothes as a familiar song played by the press of a remote he had and suddenly tossed it in the sink.

As the music play sangwoo looked at yoonbum , stroking his hair back after both his arms rested on twin sides of the bath with a short breathe ," Well.. get in sleeping beauty you look like you need to rest "

Yoonbum hesitated as he whined under his breathe ..he could feel the disregard of life in his voice for a second..but the moment sangwoo revealed his lower half and rush yoonbum into the water with a calming yet deep voice , he felt chills straighten his spine.

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