Adrian wiped his eyes, and went off back home whilst Flynn soothed him as his traumas rushed back.
The worm was now not just pale but white, it was dragged slower than the last time.
As they got back and Flynn was ready to chop the worm up, it vibrated, then again, like jelly, melting. This happened more and more in these 2 minutes, *POP* , it burst.
"DINNER, ADR'AN 'ELP YEH POPS QU'ECKL'EH, D'EHNNER BEH ESCAPIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the dwarf yelled, louder than he had ever gone. He repeated this as thousands of tiny baby sized worms wiggled away. Adrian did not come. He was in his cave like bedroom, made of chiselled stone; he was on his back on his knitted bed. Pondering what to do as he reread the letter over and over.
"ADR'AN COM' ROIGHT 'NO' LIL LADD'EH, POPS CAN'T GO ON WIT'OUT 'IS DINNER." Flynn interupted, huffing and puffing his way to Adrian's room. The dwarf looked distraught, dinner was his soul and life, freedom and liberty. "LAD 'E TU'NED TAH BAB'EHS, DINNER BEC'ME WRIGGLIN' NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Adrian was completely confuddled at first but then realised that the only thing in Flynn's opinion worth running for was food. Rapidly, he put the letter down, completely forgetting it ever existed to only waddle away faster and faster to the kitchen , Flynn smiled as his son hadn't pulled a smile in a long time.
A net was conveniently placed next to the stove, this was not the first time this happened. The boy, as if a ninja, picked up the net and started jumping from place to place, scooping, not one was left. All were now in the stew.
The dwarf marched back after a long pause resting his plumpy legs, watching Adrian heat up the stew, stirring and mixing. "Yeh beh actin' jost loike normal 'noh Lad, what'a beh yeh answer to tah legion?"
Adrian whipped his head backwards, smiling even more as though his mind was refreshed. "Aye! I'll join! Pops, will you teach me more about fighting?"
"Aye! Uf c'urse oi w'll lad! An'ehtin' f'r yeh!" he chanted, more joyous than he'd ever been.
"Thank yeh pops!" Adrian hugged his father.
6 months. This was all the had, 6 months to learn to fight, to prepare and to be free. 6 months until he'd see his sister. He was ready to train.
As Adrian finished off a letter, his ink had just finished. "Pops! I ne'd mo' ink!"
"Aye lad!" he responded, filling up the pot with the last bottle of ink.
"'Noh oi jost ne'd tah soign eht as yeh guardian." the fat dwarf spoke, signing his name until he then whistled a very loud, high pitched whistle.
The same bird that delivered the letter rushed back, with his piercing glare. "Poss t'is letter tah 'e legion boy, t'ank'ins." Flynn whispered to the bird, sending him off with the letter.
The six months finally started.
That Night
FantasyThat night. My dreams, my life, everything changed. That night, his voice, his warmth, his being soothed me, he saved me, thank you.