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*Written in Corbyn's POV*

"I think I wanna marry her" I said to the guys while we were at the studio. All of their faces had happy but confused looks on them. "Are you sure man? I mean you two are only twenty." Zach said "I know we're young but you guys don't understand how in love I am with this girl. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me." "Do you even have a ring or anything yet?" Jonah asked "No but Im probably gonna go find one when we're done recording" "I wanna come!" Daniel said excitedly "Ok" I said laughing slightly.

*Time Skip*

"Ready to go?" I asked Dani as we left the studio. "Yessir" He said as we got into my car and drove the the jewelry place. "Hello gentleman how can I help you today?" Said one of the ladies behind the desk. "I'm um here to get a um enga-engagement ring" I said nervously putting my head down and laughing. "Aww is there a certain kind your looking for?" " Um one that isn't super fancy I think" I said smiling "Ok hun come over here" she said monitoring her hand towards the back of the store.

"Now do you know what size she wears?" Crap."Um no but let me text her mom really quick." "Ok sweetie." We stood there and talked for a few minutes before her mom answered(He told your mom a few days before hand that he was gonna get a ring) "Size 5" "Ok" the lady said as she picked up a few rings from the display case. "This one it's perfect" I said pointing to a ring with a blue stone in the middle and little diamonds on the band. "She's gonna love it." The lady said to me as we walked back up to the front.

"Oooooo the bean is gonna get married" Dani said as we left the shop.(he had been shopping for himself the whole time😂) "hopefully" I said under my breath but loud enough for Daniel to hear. "Look man I've seen the way you guys look at each other and it is just a look of pure love I'm not even kidding...She's gonna say yes." "We will see in a three days." I said as we got into the car.

*Time Skip*

We got home and thankfully y/n wasn't home from work yet so I had time to hide the ring. I just ended up hiding it inside one of the pairs of shoes I don't wear often. When she got home we ate pizza and watched The Office.
*Three days later*

"Today's the day" I said looking in the mirror as I got dressed. I told y/n that we were going to the beach for a date tonight so that I wouldn't seem suspicious. "Ready baby girl?" I said as I slipped the ring in my sweatshirt pocket "Let's go" she said walking out of the house. Damn she looked beautiful. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.
*Time skip/At the beach*

We've been sitting here for almost two hours and I tell myself it's time. "Hey gorgeous?" "Yes?" She said blushing a bit. "We've been togther for four years today and there are absolutely no words to describe how in love with you am except for the four that I'm about to say". I got on my knee and pulled the ring from my pocket. Her eyes got teary and she had her hands over her face. "Will you marry me?" She jumped and wrapped her arms around me while she cried. "I'll take that as a yes" I said laughing and she laughed as well. When she calmed down a slipped the ring on her finger. "I love you so much." She said still crying. "I love you more babygirl."

A/N:Hello my loves I hope you like my first story!

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