Organization XIII Application - Jesusfreaks's Results

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A/N: The next one will be up sooner, I promise!  Oh, I told some people that the next chapter of 'Fire In The Streets' would be up last weekend.  Sorry that didn't happen, guys, but the chapter is well underway! :D

This is Jesusfreaks's result.  Enjoy!!!


Name: Erica

Nobody name: Recxia

Title: The Rollicking Blaze

Demyx:  Ooh!  We shall rollick together! :D

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality:  I'm nice...ish...but if you tick me off, you'll have a load of trouble on your hands, ‘cause I won’t resist beating the snot out of anyone.  Unless they're stronger than me, but I'll still try.  If I'm in a crowd of people, I tend to be kinda shy.  I'm also sorta weird.  Sarcasm is used frequently by me, and I laugh at almost anything!

Axel: Sarcasm is my first language too.

Looks:  I have short and spiky ginger hair.  My eyes are dark blue, and I'm sort of pale and skinny.  But I'm stronger than I look, by a lot.

Saix: Most people in the Organization are skinny, but strong.

Zexion: Yes, there’s Axel, Larxene, Xigbar, Roxas, me...

Past:  I can't really remember my Somebody's past very well, but I know that I used to live in a small town with my family.  One night, me and my sister were walking home when Heartless attacked us.  I know she got away.  I didn't.  The next thing I know, I'm in The World That Never Was.

Roxas: I think this is the first applicant we’ve had so far who’s past wasn’t heart-breakingly sad.

Axel: And we would be able to tell the

Raxmi: Losing your heart is sad!  It’s common knowledge!


Likes:  Anything to do with fire (‘cause it’s AWESOME :D), reading books, music (‘cause it's my life), pranks, and Sea-Salt Ice-Cream!

Axel:  Fire is awesome, kid, you got that right!

Zexion/Demyx/Roxas: Books/music/sea-salt ice-cream? xD

Dislikes:  Anything pink, when people tease me or people who are my friends, Brussels sprouts.

Demyx: Who doesn’t dislike Brussels sprouts?

Fears:  Dying, heights, and space.

Hobbies:  I'd say poking things, listening to music, and sometimes pranks!!!

Raxmi: Ooh, poking things is fun!

Larxene: Argh, not another poker...

Axel: The Prank Royale shall begin.

Xemnas: *sighs*

Quirks/ habits:  I'm not able to sit still for a long time.  Like, ever.

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