Chapter "Why me?" Pt1

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Viperclaw's pov
               It was a normal day at Everfree middle school. It was time for lunch and everyone, was in the hallway. Then, suddenly the light flickered out for a second and came back on. There was just just one problem the teachers were gone and in their place were creatures terrifying to most, but I wasn't scared. I was in awe for I was staring at Dalek, Adipose, Zygons, the family Slitheen, Xenomorph Queens, Xenomorphs, Neomorphs, Deacons, the Indoraptor, the Indominus Rex, velociraptors, Pennywise, Voldemort, Nagini, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback, Grindlwald, and Peter Pan. I smiling and hopping looking like a fan girl meeting their idol. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy, even the villains. " You're supposed to be scared!" Shrieked Voldemort in outrage and confusion. I sarcastically replied with " Weren't most of you defeated by teenagers or weaker adult humans?" Well that shut him up. Everyone was waiting for me to die for that, so when I remained alive they were all in shock. So I continued shamelessly insulting them all "Pennywise, you were smart until you didn't defend your base, however unlike most of these idiots you remained alive and well. Nagini I get that you're a cursed woman and all but that doesn't mean you have to serve an idiot and be his horcrux. Xenomorphs, Neomorphs, Deacons. OUT OF ALL OF POSSIBLE WEAKNESSES YOU COULD OF HAD IT WAS FIRE AND THERMAL SHOCK! At least you had brains along with the velociraptors, indominus rex and indoraptor. Deatheaters , you're brainless minions, that's you're only major problem. Peter Pan, despite your parental issues you were smart, cunning and level headed, you would've been the most terrifying to fight. Putting that aside you defeated" I ended flatly.

At that last statement Pan moved in a flash and, using his momentum, he slammed me against the lockers, pinning me down. Then he whispered into my ear "You should learn when to stop, someone might end up hurting you." He cooed. I responded when I probably should've shut up with a insult "Yeah right! You defeated by your son giving you a hu-" I cut off because at that moment Pan kissed me. He. Kissed. Me. I was so startled that even after he backed away I just stood there eyes wide, confused and furious. I snapped out of it "You motherfucker! That was my first kiss you shitty bastard!" I yelled and continued insulting him and finally finished with a roundhouse kick to the stomic. He keeled over in pain, then they all apparated away. Everyone else was too shocked and confused at what just happened to say anything. As people tried to leave there was a barrier trapping us. Then, before anyone could say anything I was teleported to the girls bathroom and cuffed to the wall. Pan, that fucking bastard, was staring at me, (I had to look up a little to look into his eyes, he's about 3 inches taller than me) "Not so strong and defiant now, huh?" Pan said smoothly. " I'm still the same you've just limited my movement" I then for a reason I don't understand to this day taunted him with "You're still manipulative and an asshole." He was kissing me again in flash, but this time felt different, almost like my heart wanted him to kiss me. So I started kissing him back. It only lasted about a minute, but I was dazed. " That was good for the first kiss I actually enjoyed." He stared at me in surprise and suddenly the cuffs were undone and I noticed a syringe in his hand and started running. Then I was hit in my left side, my only weak area, by 4 nightshade arrows. I collapsed and tore them out of my side. These deadly arrows would normally kill someone, but not me. These did something completely different. And then, before I knew it I was being consumed by darkness...

To be continued

I know it was shitty but hey, I tried.

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