The lovely miracle

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     It was a late Friday night when Morgan, JJ, Reid, and you were getting ready to enter a house that a man had 2 kids held hostage in. Morgan had kicked down the door and entered yelling "Diego Perez FBI!" he didn't get a response so he signaled for you to go to the basement, Reid to go to the kitchen and living room while he and JJ went upstairs.
     You went inside the basement taking quick but cautious steps down the stairs. When you got to the bottom of the stairs you looked to the corner of the room to see a boy and a girl about 6 years old crying. You were about to run to them when you were hit behind your legs with a bat. You fell to the floor and was kicked in the stomach, head, and chest multiple times you tried to reach for your gun that had fallen out of your hands when you were hit ,but you then heard a loud gunshot come from behind the man that was hitting you.

     You looked up to see your boyfriend of 2 years Spencer holster his gun and run too you as fast as he could. "Y/N I'm so sorry are you okay?" " I'm fine." You responded. "No your not. I should have come down here with you, this wouldn't have happened." Just then Derek and JJ came down running with there guns out. "Y/N are you good?" Derek asked while walking over to the crying kids telling them that everything was going to be okay. "Yes I'm good it's just gonna leave a couple of bruises." "We need to get you to a hospital Y/N." Spencer said with worry in his eyes.  " Fine but I'm not staying over night. "

-- At the hospital --

     "Ms. Y/L/N unfortunately you will have to stay another night due to having 3 broken ribs a concussion and multiple cuts and bruises." " What? But it doesn't even hurt that much!" You responded in an irritated voice. "Well that's because your nervous system is still in shock, but once that wears out trust me you will want the drugs we have for you. But I come bearing good news. The baby is good and healthy with a very strong heartbeat."

     " What baby?" Spencer asked in shock "Well Ms.   Y/l/n here is nearly 2 months pregnant." " Did you know?" Spencer looked at you with a confused face "No. Are you sure?" You asked the doctor " Yes I'm sure it says here that your 2 months pregnant. Congratulations." The doctor walked out of the room to leave both you and Spencer alone.

      "Oh my God were going to have a baby!" Spencer told you with the widest smile on his face while giving you a hug while also making sure he doesn't hurt you. " We are!" You said with tears threatening to fall from your eyes. Spencer looked at you and wiped your eyes he then cupped your chin and lowered his lips to yours and gave you a slow but passionate kiss. Pulling away for breath Spencer said " I love you     y/n, I will never stop loving you and thank for this." While rubbing your belly. "I love you too ,so much." You said back " I'm gonna go inform the team and and tell them that they can see you now." " Okay." You said with a dorky grin

--A few minutes later--

     "Alrigth, alright stop rushing pretty boy." Derek said as he walked in side the room with the whole team. Hotch, JJ, Rossi, Garcia,and Prentiss all spreading around in the small hospital room. Spencer of course standing next to you holding your hand eagerly.

     "Now what's this great big news the kid had for us huh?" Rossi said with a smirk on his face.

     "Well..." Spencer began "earlier we found out that y/n is 2 months pregnant."

     "Oh my god, congratulations you guys!" Garcia said walking to you guys with open arms. "I told you she was glowing." JJ said holding her hand out to Emily with a smile. She handed JJ $30 and said "Oh whatever. Congrats you guys." While she walked over to you and Spencer.

      Rossi, Hotch, JJ, and Derek all did there congratulating and hugging. Holding Spencer's hand you rubbed your belly and smiled. "You know guys it's weird I just found out I was pregnant and I am already willing to do anything for this baby." You said while looking at the team "I know exactly how you feel that's how I felt with Henry, but trust me this is nothing once the baby is born and you actually get to hold it you'll feel a feeling of love you've never thought you'd be able to feel before."

     The team stayed there for a few more minutes then left to give you and Spencer some space. You made space on the hospital bed for Spencer to lay on you laid your head on his chest and he rubbed your belly kissing the top of your head you fell fast asleep.

--9 months later--

     "Oh my god! Oh my god! It hurts so bad!" You yelled in the delivery room. "I know, I know baby just a few more pushes and we will have our baby here with us okay?" Spencer said in a calm and soothing voice "Okay." You said a bit calmer. "Alright  Ms. y/l/n I need one last big push for your baby to come out alright?" "Come on you can do it one last big push." Spencer repeated.

     You pushed as hard as you could groaning and yelling. Then the room fell silent and all you could here was the loud cry of a baby and your heavy pants. "Congratulations mama and papa you guys have a baby girl." The doctor said as she handed you a beautiful baby girl. As you carried her, Spencer gently rubbed her head and kissed her forehead. You looked at them both knowing exactly what JJ meant though she was wrong about something it wasn't just the baby that brought love to your heart that you never thought you could feel Spencer made you feel that type of love two. Looking at them both you knew that there was nothing in this world you wouldn't do for either of them.

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