Maybe not

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Levi Ackerman

I love you . . .

I was just a fool to hardly notice.

Eren's POV

"I beg your pardon?" I asked

"I broke up with her" he stated again.

I gave a confused look. When did they become a thing, why would you break up with her, are you insane?!

Millions of questions were running on my mind. Luckily he read my mind and decided to answer some of my questions.

"We became a thing after you were gone, well I asked at the second semester when school started. We were together for about 4 years." He stopped and looked at me before continuing "I dumped her since l don't like her anymore and she noticed it to. So we agreed to just stay friends"

"Weird chemistry but I'll take it. At least both of you are still friends" I hummed swinging our still laced hands. Gosh I feel like a child. He didn't mind about my swinging so I continued, I know for sure when he won't like it he'd just say it.

"It's weird that you just brush it off as normal"

"Well at least you guys still acknowledge each other"

"Yeah. . ."

I hummed until I stopped to see an ice cream truck. I ran to it and checked the menu before finally deciding on a basic vanilla ice cream.

I gave Levi my attention to see if he wanted something. He noticed this and shook his head, keeping himself silent.

As I ate my ice cream I can't help but feel worried at Levi. His been terribly quiet ever since I talked to him about his break up.

"I broke up with her because . . ." He started making me turn attention to him "I liked someone else"

His voice was low as he said this. I wonder who could it be. As I was at process of thinking I felt my ice cream being pulled away from me.

"It's you" Levi said as he threw my ice cream on a random trash can that I was sure wasn't there just a while ago.

"W-wai-t m-me?" I stuttered feeling my face become exceptionally hot. I liked him before and I don't know if my feelings are still present.

He nodded making me pull my hand away from his and use it to cover my face. Gosh this is embarrassing I thought. Biting my lip I took a little peek at Levi, only to see him smirking.

Idiot I thought.

"W-What makes you think that I like you too" I grumble looking at the side still trying to hide my flustered face.

"Because I made you like me unintentionally. So if I were to make you like me intentionally then there's a chance that'll you'll like me again." He pointed, his cheeky smirk still on full display.

"So what do you say?" he asked again but this time he lend me his hand not just any hand but the hand that contains the promise he has.

My face was really piping hot. I looked at his pinky finger where the ring is before cautiously intertwining hands with him again.

"Try it" I demanded "making me like again I mean" I said again to clear the possibly confusion.

"I'll make sure" he smiled "let's start of with knowing about each"

"We already know that" I pointed out

"Not for the couple of years we didn't" he teased still smiling at me.

"Oh . . ."

"How about we talk about it over dinner" he suggested.

"Are you asking me out on a date?"


I laughed at his boldness before eagerly nodding my head. "Sure I'll go"

He smiled before tightly gripping my hand "this time I'll make sure that we're more than just friends" he confessed before leading me somewhere. I was to shocked to do anything but follow him.

His really going on with this huh? I thought looking down at our hands that both have a promise ring making me feel happier I guess I don't mind.


Done the end. Sorry if it's not satisfying.

Not proof read and I wrote this feeling sleepy. So good night.

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