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"The number you have reached is not available, please try agian-"

"Fuck! Why won't he fucking answer!!" Lisa yelled.
"Who are you calling this early?" I say walking towards Johnny and the guys. Whom are by the willow in the courtyard.
"My dad."
"For what?"
"Nothing. Its nothing really.." she frustratingly sighs before pulling herself together and giving an obviously fake smile, "Lets check on Jae."
"I don't want to talk to Jae."
"You can stay right here and wait for Chenle. But Im going over there."
I stood there watching her walk away, until I got the urge to walk along behind her.
"Hello Jaehyun! Goodmorning!"
"Good morning." He says, as the others look at Lisa weirdly.
"Y/n! My baby sister!" Johnny grabs me tackling me into a bear hug.
"Ew get off Johnny."
"But I love you."
"You liar."
The boys start laughing as they watch me struggle away from John.
"Where is boyfriend number 2?" Mark says.
"Ha, Funny Lee." I say sarcastically.
"Chenle is on his way, he just over slept agian." Jaehyun states.
"How do you feel about being cheated on Jae?! Your just going to accept it!?"
"Uh-" Jaehyun says, but is cut off by Haechan.
"I think you two would be cute together.. But I think Chenle would also look cute with her. Im conflicted." He pouts.
"Can you two stop harassing my sister. " Johnny demands.
"I think, She would fit well with Felix." Lisa adds.
"No. Thats a big fuckboy alert." Mark says.
"Pfft. Wow, really Mark. That a something coming from you." Johnny says.
"He not lieing.." Haechan says.
"I'd never. I don't trust him and his attractive deep accent." I say crossing my arms, "Too good to be true."
"Your sister is smart." Mark says smiling.
"What about Jeno?" Lisa says
"OH yeah! What about Jeno!" Mark comments.
"Oh my god." I say.
"Shes not denying it." Mark says, "I guess I'll stop calling you Jae's and Chenle's gf and just call you sister."
"The Fuck no your not." Johnny says.
"If she dates my brother. Thats what I'll call her, brother Johnny."

"Hey!! Guys!" We look to the side to see the Dream Team boys minus Renjun and Plus Felix.
"You took a long time." Jaehyun says to Chenle.
"I couldn't sleep last night."
"You mean, you were up playing Minecraft? Huh?" Jisung says.
"Woah. Woah. Whats wrong with Minecraft?! That game smacks." Chenle says.
"I didn't say that there was anything wrong with that..Jesus Christ. " Jisung says.
"Jisung means as in 'you've been up on your xbox instead of sleeping'." Jaemin says.
"Who needs sleep anyway." Chenle says childishly.
"Y/n woke up pretty fucking late too." Johnny looks at me.
"Well the Group chat-" All the boys cover Jisung mouth.
"The group chat?" Johnny says glaring.
"Your hearing things he did not say that." Jaemin says.
" Im not apart of this." Jeno says looking around.
"So, y/n was up late last night texting you nerds?" Johnny says.
"Yes." Chenle says. Making everyone gasp. "What you want me to fucking lie?!"
"Yes! If it means saving us to not have death by Johnny." Jaemin says whisper shouting.
"Whatever." Chenle scoffs.
"Yeah I was up last night. Oops! My fault. Should have went to bed sooner. Sorry John." I say. He looks at me for a second.
"Okay.. It still concerns me you've been texting boys all night though. So your grounded."
"No ma'am. Don't Johnny me. Don't give me that face."
"They are my very best friends."
"We literally just got done discussing you dating like half of them. Im not taking chances at this point."
" Im going to die a lonely woman."
"Your going to die a innocent woman without pain and suffering from men. You'll be happy." Johnny smiles, "We are heading to class now behave."
"Will do..."


"Crap! We got like two minutes." Jeno says.
"Yeah. Lets book it." Jaemin says.
"Bye Y/n!" Jeno says smirking before running after Jaemin.

"I think Jeno likes you." Mark says walking with us to class.
"Why are you following us Mark." Chenle says.
"Because I go this way. I don't want to follow you nerds ethier. But Here I am."
"Your full of it.." Lisa mumbles.
"Anyway, Im just saying. I'd consider him. Hes not me, so you know hes good."
Chenle rolls his eyes and leans into a whisper to me, "Don't listen to him."
"Alright. I hear you." I say chuckling.
We walk in and sit down for the lesson ahead.
Half way threw the lesson I feel my phone began to vibrate.

My Dilemma: Friends ~ Zhong Chenle FF✔Where stories live. Discover now