Roses are Red

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My phone.. It sat on my bed and buzzed out rapidly. Whose Calling me this early anyway? I pick it up quickly as I packed my school bag.

"Hey Goodmorning!" A male's voice says cheerfully.
"Good morning Jeno, why are you calling me so early?"
" Ah, I forgot to ask you something.. "
"Whats up? "
"I was wondering If you were willing to go hang around with me after school today. If not that's okay, I know its kinda short notice and Its really early.."
"No, no your good, I was up getting ready anyway. And Im down."
" Really!? Great I'll see you after school than!"
"Yeah definitely! See you later Jeno."


As I walk down the stairs to go out the door, Johnny calls out to me.
"OH! Your sure dressed up today..." he raises a brow walking out the door with me.
"Yep." I smiled because I was actually wearing the clothes me and Lisa had shopped for the other day. Its was a pretty flowly bright pink top paired with some jeans and sandals.
"You look like your in love or something... WHO IS HE?" Johnny says staring at me.
"Someone." I say sliding into the passenger seat.
"Y/n. I have to know." He says getting in and glaring at me.
"You already know. And your going to have to get over it."
"Excuse me young lady?! OH NO, Don't tell me its Ch-"
"No, its not." I say rolling my eyes.
He drives out of the driveway.
"I'll consider than, but this boy needs a serious background check. And has to go through me first..Since I can't always stop you."
"Alright.." I smile.

We suddenly arrive at School and before me and John could walk away from the car, the Dream boys minus Chenle (He probably overslept agian..) ran over to meet us.
"Yo, Y/n. We got news. Hella news." Jisung says.
"Rumors have it Chenle's dating." Renjun says.
"And?" I say trying not to get bothered by it.
"That means hes probably gunna leave us. He'll be too distracted with this girl." Jeno says.
"I hope not.. They say he was seen walking out of his family car with her all over him.." Jisung says sadly.
"Oh also Im in your class!!" Renjun says. Oh bless his soul..
"Really!? Thats great! Im excited." I say hugging him.
"I wish I was in your class.." Jeno says pouting.
"You know I wish you were too Jeno, its really boring in there with just me and Chenle." He smiles brightly at me.
"Ah, so you like Jeno.. You told me you had a crush on some it's him? I see now. You better take care of my little sister now.." Johnny says. I hit him out of embarrassment. And Johnny begans smiling brightly at me sticking his tongue out playfully.
"Shut up, I didn't say that."
"You didn't deny it." Jaemin says.
"Can we go?" I say looking at the boys.
"Yeah." Jisung says smiling.
As we walk into the courtyard, Chenle awaits sitting on a bench for us typing away on his phone. Probably texting up his new girlfriend or whatever.
"There he is.." Renjun says.
"Chenle?" Jisung says.
"Ah, where were you guys?" Chenle says look up smiling.
"We met Y/n in the parking lot today." Jaemin says.
"Oh." He says.
"Wheres you lover?" Jisung says.
"Sure class starts in less than a minute. So she left."
Renjun rolls his eyes.

We sat talking for a bit just like usual. That is until I felt a person from my side suddenly grab my hand to hold it. Looking to the side, I see Jeno smilingly away cheekily. I rolled my eyes at the boy and smiled softly.
"This reminds me.." Jisung says, "I think Y/n indirectly admitted her feelings to Jeno earlier. Johnny exposed her big time.."
"I didn't say anything.. Johnny is making assumptions." I said.
"You didn't have too, and See they are holding hands too. So obviously theres something going on." Renjun says.
"I ship it." Jaemin says.
"I thought you were on TeamChenle?" Jisung asks.
"Not anymore. Chenle has a girl and now we know Jeno and Y/n like each other. So TeamJeno for the win." Jaemin says.
"Im going to class.. You guys are too much." I say, which makes Jeno let go of my hand. Quickly, I grab Renjun by his wrist.
"Come on!" We walk away with Chenle following along unusually quiet.

My Dilemma: Friends ~ Zhong Chenle FF✔Where stories live. Discover now