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While you still at the hospital, HyungWon was still missing it's been 2 days already, Minhyuk and Marci are still trying to figure out where he could've gone even ur parents were helping but nothing comes from them. You felt useless because you were just laying down in the hospital bed, you told the doctor if u could leave but he was afraid if you keep stressing about HyungWon you could get even worse but you didn't care because you need to care But the doctors doesn't listen. It was midnight you couldn't sleep because the nurses kept coming into your room to check up on you and take ur blood work, plus because of HyungWon you wonder where he could've gone you kept thinking if he told you something about somewhere that Minhyuk and Marci never knew about but nothing so you just sigh.

You heard a weird sound coming out of ur room like breathing and you grabbed a pillow a hug it.


Nobody doesn't answer so you were freaking out even more out, you kept hearing it and now the knob was turning. You started to tear up a little but you wiped it and acted like u weren't scared. The door finally opened and all u saw was.... a tall man looking at you.

Y/N: uh?! excuse me!! Why are u here!! What do u want!!!

Random guy: it's okay I'm here to help you find HyungWon.

Y/N: uh? How... did u know about this? And how do u know HyungWon?!

Random guy: Because i felt it and i saw Minhyuk looking around i asked but he  looked at me...angry so, plus I  knew HyungWon since like kindergarten my name is. Wonho. *smiles*

Y/N: Wonho?..

Wonho: yes Wonho.

Y/N: HEY! Why didn't u come sooner!!!

Wonho looked at you all sad but you didn't see because how dark it was, you were getting a little angry because he wasn't answering.

Y/N: HELLO??? I asked u a question!

Wonho: Im sorry... i couldn't because Minhyuk and HyungWon are very angry at me.

Y/N: um? Sorry for asking but what did u do?

Wonho: I'll tell u on the way, but we need to get you out of here now!

Y/N: But i can't!

Wonho: don't worry I know a way out come.

You look at Wonho and thinking to yourself if you should follow him or not, but you did anyways you just wanted out of the hospital and find HyungWon.
Wonho told you to be quiet and wait for his single, Wonho went to go talk to a lady at the front desk and he gave u hand gestures to let you know to move. You did you ran for it and Wonho gave his wonderful goodbye flirt, you both went outside and u were out of breath you were so shocked that you made it out without someone catching you well it wasn't to much nurses out in the front so maybe thats why.

Wonho: i know maybe a place.

Y/N: okay whats the place?

Wonho: Err... sometimes HyungWon hangs out at the school we used to went.

Y/N: oh, he never told me anything about you or about school.

Wonho: I understand why he wouldn't want to talk about me.

Y/N: Can u please tell me what happened?

Wonho: not now, right now we need to go before someone does catches us.

Y/N: yes sir... *looks away*

Wonho: look at me Y/N.

You look at wonho.

Wonho: We need to find HyungWon now, okay?

Y/N: I know! So let's go.

Wonho: okay.

Hey guys sorry for making this short, but hope you guys like it!
From: holytaee💛

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