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"Where's Donghyuck? I want Donghyuck!!!"  Mark breathed out in hope the said boy would appear in front of him any second. All he wanted in that moment was to be in the embrace of the boy he loves.
"I need to find him." Mark stated as he attempted to get up and pull out the needle in his hand but his mother stopped him.
"Mark. Lay down." She said sternly but Mark was adamant on getting to Donghyuck.
"No! I need to see Donghyuck, I need to apologize." He raised his voice at her.
"Mark..." She called.
She pulled him into a hug and and stroked his back to calm him down.
"You need to rest, honey. We'll get Donghyuck for you but please stay here."  She requested as she brushed the hair away from his eyes. He nodded and layed back down for her. He could see her concern and didn't wish to worry her any further. She smiled and caressed his cheek with happiness that he was okay.
"You need to stop making bad decisions all the time, I may not show it but I worry about you." She vocalised and he smiled at her contently.
Then the nurse came in a second time to check on Mark's state.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"I don't feel physically sick anymore, just weak." He informed.
"That's good, your temperature and blood pressure also seem a lot more stable now. The vitamins in your blood have also increased. You're a strong boy, you know." She patted his head.
"He is." His mother squeezed his hand.
"We'll probably keep you overnight, just to make sure you're okay and I think I'll take you off the drip, to see how you get on." She finished doing what she needed to and disconnected Mark from the drip. She bowed at them politely before exiting the room.
"I'll go find Donghyuck, Jisung spoke amidst the silence." The others hummed and waved him off.
"Hurry back." Renjun said in consideration of Mark.


Jisung found Donghyuck sat on a bench outside the hospital, he walked over and took a seat beside him.
"Why are you here?" He asked, not even turning to look at Jisung.
"Mark's awake now. He wants to see you." He said plainly. He analyzed the expression on Donghyuck's face seeing a mixture of sorrow, longing, desperation and love.
"I don't deserve him." Donghyuck said.
"He's cares about me, He loves me, He puts me before anything else in his life, He'd do anything to keep me happy. He's perfect and I don't deserve him." He continued and Jisung listened intently.
"Yet all I want is him."  Donghyuck finished with a low voice.
Jisung inhaled deeply and exhaled before speaking.
"I'm going to talk now, don't interrupt me hyung and don't do anything weird." Jisung warned but Donghyuck discreetly began recording with his phone, he knew by Jisung's expression that the younger would say something that'd blow his mind. He positioned the camera as soon as he heard the words pour out of Jisung's mouth. Who new such a young boy could be so knowledgeable and insightful about life.
"Nobodies Perfect. Not me, not you, not Mark. Everybody has a flaw." He paused for a breath.
"Yours was your family, Mark's was his overly altruistic personality, Mine is my anger. Chenle's is his stupidly annoying, loud ass voice but that's what made me love him."  Donghyuck amazed at what Jisung said. He poured his heart out and expressed his thoughts so eloquently that it sounded like poetry.
"When you love someone, you don't love them because they're perfect at everything but you love them because they're perfect for you. You love their good sides and their bad sides, you love them in their sorrows and their happiness, you love them for all their imperfections because that's what makes them who they are." He continued, Jisung's lips turned upwards in a sweet smile.  His eyes sparkled with pride and the camera on Donghyuck's phone, really didn't do him justice. Donghyuck knew in his mind that Chenle would love to see this, some day. Then Jisung added to his speech.
"Just like my lively dolphin Chenle. He is very loud, he loves getting on my nerves, when we argue he never wants to be the first to back down, he likes pineapple on pizza and I don't but everything about him helps me to realise how special he makes me feel and how boring my life would be without him. And I can say for certain that, that's the same way you and Mark feel about each other." He finished and Donghyuck turned off the video. He clapped for Jisung who was slightly startled by the boys sudden action but he stood up nonetheless.
"I'm sorry for the way I acted hyung, Yangyang and Jeno hyung are sorry too. We were just worried and tense." He apologized but Donghyuck shrugged it off.
"It's okay, Jisung. I understand where you guys were coming from." He said before standing up beside the younger boy.
"Let's go see Mark now." Jisung pulled Donghyuck inside the building.


Donghyuck once again entered the room and saw everyone accept Mark and Taeyong.
"Where is he?" He queried in concern.
"Don't worry, he just went to the bathroom. Taeyong's with him just in case." Yangyang detailed.
The boys took seats once again but Donghyuck stayed stood up, waiting for Mark. He just wanted to see him already. Did he look better than before, was he feeling better, could he come home. Donghyuck wanted to know.
As soon as the door swung open, Donghyuck snapped his head win that direction. Mark saw him and smiled. Donghyuck lunged himself at the older male and wrapped his arms around him so tight, afraid that he'd leave if he let go. Mark hugged back aswell, he missed Donghyuck's hugs. It had been weeks since he got to feel Donghyuck's loving embrace.
"Donghyuck I'm-"
"Mark I'm-"
The two boys began apologizing at the same time.
"Forget it." Donghyuck disregarded the insignificant attempt of an apology.
"We both know our mistakes and are sorry about them but we don't need to apologize again. We've done enough of that stuff already." Donghyuck giggled, still hugging Mark.
"Agreed." Mark said brightly.
They pulled away from the hug and stared into each others eyes.
"I missed you, angel." Hearing that nickname again was like music to his ears.
"I missed you too, baby." Donghyuck smiled and interwined their fingers.


Later that night, everyone went home and Donghyuck stayed with Mark at the hospital. He stayed by his side and did everything for him. He helped him eat, change clothes and kept him company.
It was currently around 12 am and the whole of Mark's block was probably sleeping but the 2 boys had just finished their marathon session of Teen wolf and were sat cuddle up next to each other, on the hospital bed.
Mark looked over at Donghyuck and used his left hand to play with Donghyuck's hair.
Donghyuck looked at Mark, making eye contact which they struggled to break away from. In the end, Donghyuck pecked Mark's lips before looking away but it wasn't enough for Mark. Mark lifted his self up and positioned himself on Donghyuck's lap.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Donghyuck was startled and slightly flustered. Donghyuck placed his hands on Mark's hips securely, to make sure he doesn't fall
"Having some fun." He giggled cutely Making Donghyuck's thoughts go crazy.
"Baby, you were just treated for alcohol poisoning. I think you should sit your ass on the bed and get some rest." Donghyuck suggested but Mark shook his head.
"Then what?" Donghyuck asks.
Almost immediately after his words, Mark attached his lips to Donghyuck's. Although, Donghyuck wanted Mark to rest he couldn't resist Mark's kisses. Donghyuck pulled Mark closer to him and Mark wrapped his legs around Donghyuck's waist whilst remaining in his lap. Mark kissed him passionately, his lips moving  in sync with Donghyuck's. He put his hand behind Donghyuck's head, pushing him deeper into the kiss. He licked Donghyuck's bottom lip and Donghyuck opened his mouth, allowing entrance for mark. Mark loved the feeling of their tongues twisting and colliding with each other. He brought his hands to Donghyuck's cheeks, cradling his head as if he was so fragile but kissing him with so much force. Mark pulled away when he was out of breath and Donghyuck  wiped the saliva off of his lips.
"I swear if you weren't so hot, I would've slapped you up." Donghyuck glared at Mark.
"It's not my fault that you can't help but be all needy when I kiss you." Mark said.
"It's not my fault either. It's those stupid feel good hormones. Like oxytocin." He complained making Mark laugh.
"I can make you feel more good than this." Mark winked at hyuck, whilst trailing his hand down Donghyuck's chest and stomach until he reached the waistband of his jeans. He held Donghyuck's waistband and tugged on it to tease him.
"Yah!!!" He slowly pushed Mark away.
"Is my angel being submissive again?" Mark teased.
"I swear to god, Mark Lee, I'm gonna whip you." Donghyuck warned playfully.
"Ooh, kinky." Mark chorused and Donghyuck hit him with a pillow.
"When I get home I am going to bathe you in holy water! You indecent child!" Donghyuck scolded him.
"As long as you bathe with me..." Mark smirked.
"Jisung Christ! Mark fucking Lee, stop being so annoyingly horny!" Donghyuck  continued hitting him with a pillow until he got back and a pillow fight broke out.
That was probably the most genuine moment they had shared in a long time.

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