stay with me?

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Word Count ~ 1098

The walk home was a slow, yet comforting one.

Leo held me close the entire time, one of his hands in my hand, the other supporting my back as if he thought i would break.

I was just holding it all together till we got inside my apartment, i was breaking.

seeing my father again after so long made me feel so indifferent. All my memories as a child started to come back to the surface, and i felt like i was loosing myself more. Why did he have to come back just as soon as i was getting my life back together.

We finally were inside my apartment and i slowly detached myself from Leos embrace.

" I cant believe i just saw him"
" I'm sorry Til, i totally forgot the restaurant was nearby."
" No it's not your fault!"

I ran back to him, and relinked our arms together in a strong, passionate hug.

" I'm so grateful you were with me"
" I'm happy i was there too"

I pulled away slowly.

" Wait leo this doesn't make sense"
" What doesn't"
" The fact that the restaurant was across from where we were eating"
" I know we got lost"
" Did we really get 'lost' or did you plan this"
" Plan what?"
" Me running into my dad"
" Are you crazy?!"

I shook my head.

"It makes sense doesn't it..."
" No it really doesn't "
" You wanted me out of your life, away from NYC, so you could be without me"
" Okay that's it, that's utter bullshit"
" I ..."
" No it's fine, just sit down, i think your stressed out and you trying to come up with an excuse as to why we ran into your father. I can assure you i had nothing to do with it"
" Fuck"
he just stared at me

How on earth could i say such a thing, or think such a thing, am i drunk?

" I'm so sorry, i don't know what's wrong with me"
I ran back into leo's hug.

" It's okay Til, you just need so sleep, come on let's get you to bed."

Using both his hands to support me, he walked me slowly into my bedroom, taking off my jacket, and my shoes.

He tucked me into the bed, and got up to leave before i pulled him onto my lips.

We kissed for only a few seconds but it felt amazing.He looked back at me stunned, with his beautiful blue eyes.

" Stay with me"
" Of course baby"

Then he took of his shoes, and went under my blankets. He reached over to the lamp, turning the light off, before giving me a hug.

I felt so comfortable, and i can't believe that after all this time, when i was trying to find my real home, that all along it was Leo.
24 hours later

I woke back up, leo had obviously gone, most likely back to his apartment but i didn't mind him leaving, it was sweet that he didn't wake me.

It was a gloomy day in the city, one of my favourite days, a day to do absolutely nothing.
I reached for my large green sweater and short pants and headed to the kitchen.

As i was about to reach the closed corner to the kitchen, i heard two muffled voices. Trying to not make my appearance known, i slowly walked closer to the kitchen door to hear what they were saying.

They were arguing, yet tried to keep their voice down, most likely to not wake me up.

" You can't just come back after all this time and expect her to go to london with you willingly"
I recognised that voice of my mother, but who was she talking to?

Getting sick of the muffled conversations, i walked through the kitchen to see what all the fuss was about. And when i saw who she was talking to i wanted to pull my hair out.
My father. My fucking father.

I just can't think or see his face ever again, not after last night.

I slowly tip toed back from where i came from, even though his eyes stayed glued on me the entire time.

Maybe he didn't see me? maybe this was all a dream! I can just walk out of this situation.

" Matilda"
Oh shit this is real.

" I need to talk to you"
I gave him a confused look before giving him the finger and running to my bedroom, making sure to slam my door on the way in.

He ran up to the door, but he didn't open it. Thank god he didn't open it because it wouldn't be good news for him.

"Look you don't have to talk to me. But i just want you to know that i'm sorry, tremendously sorry"

I wanted to stick a knife in my ears, i hated the sound of that voice of his.

" I have a position for you at the University of London, where you can study visual arts."

i'm not going, not ever. Not after i have found leo.

" Not only that but i have a full paid internship at The arts academy in London, where you teach younger kids and do all types of training"

Wow he really is trying to bribe me.

" Everything will be paid for. Even a small, yet comfortable apartment located in the nicest suburb of London"

wow all these things are running through me head so fast. He is describing me dream. Everything i could want and more. But i know he's not doing it for a good reason, rather than him trying to make himself feel better for abandoning my mother and me.

" Matilda i'll promise you one thing if you accept this offer"
I didn't reply.
" You'll never have to see me again."
I open the door, looking into his brown dark eyes.
"If that's what you wish"

Oh my. I'm a terrible human being, giving into this game. i find myself willing to accept his offer. I know it's bad, to move the past the stuff he did to me, but i don't want to live this life, the life my mum lived. I wanna be someone different, someone special, and successful. I'll invite Leo, that's what i'll do. Everything will be fine, we will go together, have fun in our little apartment, it will be perfect.


6k that's insane. seriously i love u guys.
i cant believe this story has gotten so many views, it scares me....

have a lovely day wherever you are and talk to me if u want to rant :)

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