the finale, pt 2

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The silence is almost deafening
After Leo's panic attack subsided, and he was given water by our waiter, we have just sat in silence, my hand interwoven with his.
Neither of us are willing to speak, nor do we have any words or thoughts.

"Im sorry that happened, i guess all the stress just got to me"
"Its okay Leo, you don't have to apologise"
"Fuck yes i should, i don't even know why you agreed to come"
"If i'm honest, there may have been a little push from Harriet"

His eyes fell to his lap, his smile turned inwards, almost painfully.

"She's a great friend.. Harriet. She even spoke to me when i knew she didn't want to"
"Yeah she's pretty fantastic, ill admit that"

I slowly remove my hand from his. Leos touch always clears my head, and for once i really need my thoughts because i have to talk to him firmly.

I can see him look up at me quickly from the corner of my eyes, as i focus on the red patterned wall beside us.

"I didn't expect you to want to hold my hand, thank you anyway"
I look at him again, almost angrily.

"Yeah thats how you should feel Leo. I held your hand because i was worried for you okay, and i know that when you stress out your heart begins to beat so fast that any noise in the room is muted. I know that Leo because i care about you but right now im not feeling that love. What im trying to say is that... convince me. Convince me that you should stay in my life, because you may be the problem but you are also my solution"

I lift my eyebrows, silently wishing he would begin to explain himself.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Tilly, all Ive ever wanted to do was to protect you. My approach was in no ways explainable, but during that time i was desperate, hurt and confused. Money for me was the light at the end of a dark tunnel, and it was as if it could fix all my problems. However i know now that all along it was you. You've always been my light, that excitement and joy in my life and i was so blind for the longest time. I feel so ashamed that i showed my worst side to the best thing that has ever happened to me. And i'm sorry. So fucking sorry tilly"

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