I woke up not at home.
I was so confused, I only remembered how John wanted to bring me home...obviously he didn't.I turned around and alarmed.
He looked at me, confused."Everything fine ?"
"O my god, you scared me ! Why am I here ?"
"Nobody was at your home so I brought you here. Don't worry I slept on the ground"
I nodded and got up.—
First stop: Bathroom
I looked into the mirror. Still the make-up from yesterday and my hair was wild. I washed my face and put my hair into a bun.Only now I realized I didn't wear my dress anymore. Instead and old T-shirt of mine and some of I figured out were his sweat pants.I didn't know he kept my old shirts I once left here.
Back at his room I saw him searching something. He sat in front of a cherry red box. He looked a something, not realizing I had entered. I walked over. It was a necklace, the necklace he gave to me when we dated. I spottet some old pictures of us before he closed it to shove it under his bed.
I coughed slightly.
He turned around quickly."I should go home, have you seen my phone ?" He handed it to me from his nightstand.
"Thanks for taking care of me"
I turned around, walking out of the door."Wait" I walked back.
"Were you jealous yesterday ? Because of that girl I mean""I shouldn't be right ?"
"But you are""Why is it even important ?"
I got slightly angry."I just don't understand you. I mean you tell me you don't like me, then you're jealous,now you can't even talk about it. What's up with that ? " I could tell he was mad. And disappointed.
"It's not even your business! We're not even friends at this point I thought!
Why do you even care "
I yelled and so did he."I will always care about you! You were my best friend why don't you understand this . You just told me you don't like me and need me last time. We didn't even fight before, the whole week i was so happy and don't even try to deny you were too! I kissed you 'cause i thought it was right time and you kissed back! Why didn't you stop me when you didn't like me ? Tell me"
He sighted."You never asked me how I was feeling or how I was feeling about you ending this, you decided to stop at that point and I had to take it! Hayden asked me how I could hurt you like that again yesterday. This time it's not even my fault. I tried to get over the fact that I can't do anything against you leaving! "
He stopped yelling and started to whisper, looking into my eyes.
"Damn Annie I like you. I like you since the first time we met, since the first time we kissed, since we started dating. Do you really think i ever stopped ? How could I stop loving a girl like you ? You're giving me anything, damn what am I without you ? When I kiss you, it feels like a fire is burning in my heart, it feels like I'm exploding. I'm drowning without you"
simple lovestory
Nouvellesit's in the title hihi ₊˚.༄ okay, maybe it's not as simple as in the title ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵