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Quinn ran into the villa and finally allowed herself to cry all the tears that she had been bottling up over the past two days. The villa was silent, Rachel was still with Jesse and the group were still at the beach.

'Quinn.' Puck begged after finally catching up to her.

'Puck please leave.' Quinn cried.

'Something happened back there. All those feeling that we felt three years ago haven't disappeared.'

'Nothing happened-'

'What the hell?' Rachel said. She had been standing at the top of the stair case the whole time. She knew.


'Is this him? Was he your summer fling?' The only guy that you have ever loved?' Tears pricked Rachel's eyes.

Puck took a step away from Quinn and towards Rachel. 'Rachel I-'

'Puck don't. Let me.' Quinn said taking a deep breath. 'He was the guy. A guy. I didn't want to tell you because it was nothing. Then we're at the bar and the beach and suddenly it three years ago. And I looked him in the eyes and...'

She took a deep breath and prepared her self for what she was about to say knowing that it will ruin a relationship. 'I don't feel anything for him. I haven't for 2 and a half years.'

Rachel's facial expression softened.

'He wanted to tell you because he hates lying to you but I didn't want to stress you out over a meaningless relationship and you always make such a drama about it. Which is why you are perfect together. I have been such a shit bestfriend.'

'Do you still have feelings for her? Rachel asked her fiancé.

'No, none at all.' Puck quickly replied not knowing if it was the full truth or not.

'Oh.' Santana said as she walked in on the situation. 'Well, I don't know why you are still here Puckerman because it is the Bachelorette party, meaning no boys, meaning goodbye.' Puck kissed Rachel's cheek and left.

'I'm gonna go.' Quinn said excusing herself hoping her bestfriend would call her back to stay.

'Yeah.' The brunette replied. 'Go on then. You look like hell its my bachelorette party!' She smiled brightly.

'Are you sure you want me there?'

'Seriously Q, you're my bestfriend. We all make mistakes. I should know.'

Santana our her arms around the bestfriends. 'Yes and tonight I intend to make a whole lot more.'

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