My Recipè :

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1.First Recipè:
You were barely alive these days.
Adapting the University life was not easy,and yet,you somehow managed to survive till this day.
You hated your morning classes more than anything.
The reason for that being you,never been a morning person.
And if not for your diligent roommate,who goes by the name Park Jihyo,you would've been dropped out because of weak attendance.
You were thankful that you're friends with such a good person right from the start of College.
Though,your meeting with her was quite an accident,you guys hit it off pretty well and became good friends and also,roommates.
Finally getting up from your warm cozy bed,you brushed away few strands of hair from your face and lazily opened your eyes.
You made your way to the bathroom and did your daily chores,and after ten minutes or so,you were done.
You made your way to your closet and picked out a blue striped blouse,blue skirt and a pair of Spris shoes.
And a light makeup which completed your little dress up routine for the day.
Grabbing your bag,purse and your phone,you quickly walked out from your room and waved at Jihyo,who was currently making coffee for the both of you.
"Morning,Mina.We still got 45minutes left before the first period starts,so let's enjoy a cup of coffee first."
Jihyo gave you a bright smile before handing you your share of coffee.
You muttered a low 'Thank you' before grabbing your share of coffee.
You enjoyed the bitter taste with a silent atmosphere.
'Nothing is better than starting your day with a calm morning',you thought to yourself.
And to make your day more better,you heard a familiar tune ringing inside your left pocket.
And you hurriedly picked it up to read your morning message from your Romeo.
'From: Chaengie,
Good Morning,babe.How's you?Are you doing okay?Eat well and sleep lots.I'm fine,don't worry about me,keke.And I don't skip classes too.Anws,have a nice day and don't work/study too much,okay?
Bye!I love you.....Sooooo much!^^'
You instantly brighten up after reading the message,and your eyes travelled to the last sentence over and over again.
You could clearly imagined Chaeyoung,your girlfriend slash bestfriend,saying 'I love you' a little more louder than her normal voice,and then ending with 'Soooo much!',in english,while cutely shaking her head to emphasize her words.
You let out soft giggles while thinking of that,and a tiny hint of red on your cheeks as you turned away from your friend who was looking at you as if you've just gone insane.
"From your reaction,I believe that's from Chaeyoung,hm?",Jihyo snickered.
You nodded your head while sipping your coffee.
"That kid sure has a lot of effect in you.Say Hi for me on your next Facetime."
You and Chaeyoung video-call each other quite often,and due to the lack of words,you introduced your roommate to her one night.
And from then on,the two became friends as well,though they hadn't meet each other yet.
"Let's go,30minutes left before class starts."
You woke up from your trance and simply nodded your head again at your friend's words,following her out of the dorm.
And on your way to the College,you heard another beep from your phone and quickly took it out to read.
'From: Chaengie,
Oh,and also,see you on Sunday.
I miss you.'
At first,you were quite confused at her message,but then realised that it might be another video-call session,you quickly typed some words and sent your reply.
You smiled happily and whipped in your phone back to your pocket,inhaling the early Changwon morning scent.
This is why you can never really hate Mornings,when you start it with a cup of coffee and a spoonful of Chaeyoung.


2.Second Recipè:

Days went by quickly and it was already another fine Sunday morning.
Unlike any other day,you woke up early in the Morning without Jihyo's help,and a surprisingly good mood.
And the reason?
The reason being you,hoping to get a video-call from Chaeyoung.
You did your daily chores and after that,went down to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Jihyo was still asleep,and you shuffle through the kitchen cabinet without making any noise.
You started making some bacon and eggs,the only breakfast meal that you could make.
And soon after you've finished,Jihyo walked inside and took her own share.
Not at all surprised by your sudden strange act.
She probably got the hint of what today was for you.
You greeted her with a bright smile on your face.
"A very good morning to you too,Mina.Excited for today?"
She chuckled at your reply and continued to eat her bacon.
Hours passed and still no calls from Chaeyoung.
She took quite longer than you thought.
And you weren't as excited anymore than before.
In fact,you were pretty disappointed.
You missed her so much.
And you waited for the whole week for this day to come,and yet,you get no calls.
You sighed deeply while glaring at a cartoon character on the tv.
The doorbell rang and you could hear a loud 'I'll get it!',from your back.
'Jihyo must've ordered pizza for lunch',you thought.
After ten seconds or so,you heard Jihyo calling you,and the hint of excitement on her tone didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Uh...Mina,I think you should get this.Hurry up!"
She shouted again.
And you lazily got up from the couch and headed to the entrance.
You expected some delivery boy to greet your sight,but when you looked up from the floor,your eyes indeed laid upon a delivery boy,just in the version of Chaeyoung,who is a girl.
Your jaw dropped and your eyes almost fell out from its socket.
Simply putting it,you couldn't believe what you saw.
There,standing a few feet away from you.
Holding a box of pizza,a familiar haircut,a black varsity jacket,some ripped jeans and a pair of some old sneakers,was Chaeyoung,her girlfriend.
You were lost for words a few seconds,still can't believe what was happening right now.
You turned to Jihyo,who only nodded her head and made some lame excuse,saying that she wasn't up for some pizza,and instead,wanted to eat some burgers and soon ran out from the dorm,and closing the door right after.
You turned back to look at Chaeyoung,who was still standing right in front of you.
"How are you,Mina?And Hi!Son Chaeyoung at your service!"
Chaeyoung saluted you,with that same stupid grin on her face,that you love so much.
Though still surprise,you managed to give her a bone-crushing hug.
And as so likely you,you also managed to shed some few tears,a tears of joy.
Chaeyoung had only laughed and hugged you back with her free hand.
"I missed you",she muttered only for you to hear.
"I missed you too."
You snuggled close to her neck like a baby,and your hold on her tightened.
"Hmm....I know.But can you let go for a second,baby?Let me put this pizza down first and we can talk."
You shook your head like a little child,and Chaeyoung with utmost difficutly,half picked you up and starting walking to the kitchen direction to put the pizza down.
And after doing so,carried you back to the nearest couch,with you still holding onto her as if your life depend on it.
You couldn't help it.
It was Chaeyoung's fault anyway.
You turned into a clingy baby whenever she's around you.
"O.....kayyyy.That was....sooo tiring!"
She huffed out as she laid steadily on the couch,and you took that as an opportunity to lie on top of her.
"I didn't know you'll miss me this much.It's only been three months,baby."
You whined and pinched her side.
"Oww!What was that for?"
"Even just a day is long enough.Don't say it like that."
You heard her chuckle,right on top of your ear.
And you can't help but wonder how much you missed that.
"Alright then.As much as I love the feeling of you snuggle on my neck,can you please look up and face me?I wanna see your pretty face too."
And as soon as you looked up,you were greeted with a small chaste kiss.
You were too shock as you failed to reciprocate,and the kiss didn't last long.
But you were brave enough to continue it,as you peck Chaeyoung's lips continuously.
Chaeyoung let out another soft chuckle at the end of your continuous attack,and softly hummed as she graced her arms around your waist.
"So?",you started.
And she answered you with a simple 'Hmm?'
"How did you manage to reach here?Don't tell me you skipped cla-"
"No.I didn't"
She quickly cut you off.
"I didn't skip any classes,don't worry.I just simply came running to you as soon as the Principal announced that next week's a holiday."
She happily peck your lips once again,while you were relieved of hearing that she didn't skipped classes,and that you'll have a whole week to spend together as well.
"Welcome to my humble abode,then.You are free to stay here for the week."
You both happily snuggled in each other's arms.
The pizza long forgotten.
And you were so close to dozing off,until you hear Chaeypung saying,
"Oh,I forgot to inform my parents that I'm staying here for a week."
"Son Chaeyoung. ....."
"Don't worry,I'll sent them a text right away."

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