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Pierce called recently, saying that the gooey thing(a dxyisor if I remember correctly?)got out but Alex caught it back but got hurt in the process. The pals and I planned to go visit him this weekend, and I guess its a perfect timing then. Not that perfect though.

Visiting the boys have never been so easy thanks to this portal device Alex gave us. We get to meet almost weekly and its really nice. We almost collab everytime in Youtube and people suspected all of us moved in to the same house now. Little do they know.

But Alex really needs to take a break. He has been more stressed out and sad then usual. As a friend, I am worried about his health conditions and I miss the old Alex, always happy and positive.
"Hello Dawn," I greeted her as I saw her waiting for the others. I was the first one that arrived.

"Oh nice to see you again, Denis," She greeted back, with a slight exhauted tone.

"Is everything...fine?" I took the hint of her tone.

"Well...not really," she sighed." This is the first time Capital Galaxy is facing these type of threat; actually not just Capital Galaxy, but the universe."

I gulped. This does not sound good.

"Everyone have their ups and downs. I guess even the universe has its days."

The others hopped in after a moment of silence between me and Dawn.

"Sup dingo!" Sketch high-fived me. The others hugged and greeted each other. Some of them were holding gifts for Alex.

"How is him?" Corl asked Dawn, who was still looking pretty down.

"Recovering, but still haven't wake up yet," she started walking down the hallway." Lets go."

Everyone walked along with her through the glimmering beige hallway. I was a little bit concerned about Dawn now, too.

The doors swung opened and revealed Alex laying on the bed, unconcious. All of us silently walked in.

Mary was on the couch beside the room, and Pierce laying down on her shoulder, asleep.

"How are you?" I asked Mary, while everyone settled down beside the bed, placing their gifts beside.

"Fine, just a little tired," she replied in a exhauted voice. I know she wasn't just "a little" tired.

"Are you worried?" I sat down beside her.

"Of course, he's my brother."

"Well, I'm worried too," I looked back at her, crossing my fingers. "As a friend I will be. He was the one I trusted the most."

"He was a good brother too," she added. "After just a few days when he arrived back to Capital Galaxy, he started fixing so many problems here and took such great care of our mother before we get here."

"He did tried too hard though. Endless night of work, eye bag showing up more obvious. Everyone was worried of him. We all knew he was working off too hard. I did manage to cast a spell to make him fall asleep at a certain time, but he managed to fight it off after a few weeks. Mom only succeeded to convince him to sleep for a few times."

"Oh god," I looked at Alex, more worried than ever. "Why would he do this to him?"

"He felt like he was responsible for all of this,From the Dezel thing way back from we were young." She sighed."He felt like it's his fault we needed to be seperated and our dad going missing. No matter how many times we told him it's not, he still wouldn't change his mind."

I stood up and sat beside the bed. "Why couldn't you forgive yourself?" I sighed softly. He was breathing deeply, eye bags still visible, and his hair was in a mess--and covered with black stain?

Capital Galaxy: What The Wind Bought AlongWhere stories live. Discover now