Last one just for you

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Ik ik I said it was the last one but @alyssaaghase and @person12345666789o9 wanted one last one and I can't ignore them their comments made me happy so this one is for the both of you :)💜

~time skip 5 days later~
*y/n p.o.v*

Felix and I are back in school. A lot has happened when we got back into school, stray kids were in this elimination show thingy, Felix and woojin almost got out..I cried so hard that night but then JYP let them go back in. They have to debut 2 days and honestly I'm happy for them. Felix changed his looks and I'm just turned on by just looking at him. But don't think I've been sitting all pretty all the time, I've been busy myself. I've been working with the police to try and catch all the remaining people, I will be the bate. I've learned how to use a gun, how to protect myself, and I even got a license to keep a gun at home, and even learned how police hide and can control their breathing to be nice and quiet. I've noticed that I was being watched and texted felix, my mom, and felix mom about it. Felix also felt like he was. Being followed, my mom told us both to ditch and come back home, but I didn't want to live my life in fear. *in text*

Y/n mom: ditch and come back home now.
Y/n: no. I don't want to live my life in fear over some stupid kids! Their not after no one but me. Remember that night felix? They were looking for me.
Felix: don't do anything stupid y/n! If you think this shit is funny then your wrong! They shot me! We  can't do anything but hide..they will get them soon, I promise.
Y/n: yeah. Cause I'm going to lure them in. Tonight they will be caught. Don't look for me I'm going to brake my phone and leave it somewhere. You won't be able to find me. Only the police will know where I am. We had this planed for sometime now. And I've decided tonight is that night.

Without anything else I smashed my phone and ditched school to go and see my privet police, my privet police was the one who taught me everything I know. Once I got out the school I've felt more eyes on me. More people were following me now. I took the long way to the police station, the short way was more quiet and a perfect place to jump me and kill me. The longer way was full of people and full of witnesses.

*felix p.o.v*
Shit shit! She's not answering her phone..FUCK! I.n noticed something was wrong, "Felix? Are you okay?" I look up and tell I.n everything he then texted the chat and everyone ditched and went out to my house. We told both my mom and y/ns mom everything and we were soon with a police man. He came to our house to tell us to stay home and that he will be staying for the remaining time until y/n comes back... "I can't say here and do nothing while my girlfriend is out their risking her damn life!" I try to run but the police caught me and injected me with something...I was getting sleepy..fucking police..I can't s-sleep now.. "y/n-n" black. Everything is black. Y/n..

*chans p.o.v*
Felix tired go run but failed and got shot full enough to make him sleep.. "anyone else?" The police asked. I.n went up to him "me. Do me." And the police got a new needle and I.n was out.. he did the right thing..but y/n...I'm stressing to much..fuck.

*y/n p.o.v*
I get to the police station and I'm automatically greeted by my police man, his work name is woo. "Y/n are you ready?" I give him a nod and he takes me in a black car we drive around until we're both 100% sure that they aren't following me. "Alright woo lets go. It's time to play" I hear woo snicker "you know why I do this job y/n?" I actually never asked.. "why?" I say and he says "because whenever I start to teach someone they're all nothing. Useless and weak people. But you, your one of the people that grew so much. I'm proud of you and I know you can do this" I don't say anything but keep a serious face. We go back to the police station and we go in the "weapon room" I get a slim bulletproof chest, some guns and a knife just in case if my guns are taken away.

~20 min later~
I start walking around to catch their attention and it didn't take long to get it. I start to go to an abandoned location woo and I talked about, I had to take acting classes so I can cry automatically. I got a fake phone and I start acting like I read a text and smash the fake phone and run into a building that still somewhat has furniture.

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