British Dude?

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I'm literally writing this in the car on my way to watch toy story 4 haha what

Wow so I've decided to actually write another chapter of this wowowowo

I kinda figured out the story a little more? So that's good uwu







-(Y/N) POV-

I wake up.

My vision is fuzzy for a couple of seconds, but then seemed clear. I looked at my surroundings. I'm in a forest. Not the forest I went through to get home, but a different forest.


Wait, where am i? How will I get home now?

I get up and brush myself off. And of all the directions to choose from, I went straight forward. I'm going to TRY to find someone who's willing to point me to the direction where home is, or at least tell me where the heckity heck i am.

Not long after that, a loud noise could be heard from the distance. It sounded almost like a gunshot. Are there creepy clowns in these woods??? I thought we put them behind in 2016.

After the gunshot, I hear screaming. Foreign screaming. And in a language I barely understand.

My instincts tell me to BOOK IT.

so i did.

I don't know where, but I ran.

I ran to escape the yelling.

I ran to escape the gunshots

I ran to--

I fell.

I get up to see that there was a person next to me. Was it a person? It seemed to have a... Flag for a face. The British flag, to be exact. He looked like he was dressed for a war or something.

The being took one look at me and stood there dumbfounded. I also probably looked dumbfounded. More gunshots rang through the forest and my heartbeat accelerates. "GET DOWN!!" He shouts to me in a British accent and gets to the ground.

I didn't hesitate. I got down. The British dude held his arm and winced in pain. I'm guessing he got shot while he stared at me, which made me feel a little guilty.

"Bloody hell." He mutters.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "What am I saying, of course you're not!"

"I've got to have my arm healed." He says, and then looks at me. "You've got to tag along as well, seeing as you don't belong on the battlefield. Where did you come from?"

"I-... I d-don't know." I managed to muster. "All I remember is a portal thingy bringing me here."

His white eyes widened. I noticed he didn't seem to have pupils. "A portal? Did you come from the human world?"

The human world? Does that mean that I'm in a completely different world or dimension?

"I thin--" I was interrupted by the sound of gunshots ringing through the forest. But this time, closer.

"We'll save this discussion for later, mate." He got up and took my hand with his non-wounded arm. "Right now, we've got to get to headquarters."

This British dude is dashing (tHROUGh THE SNOW) through the forest with me barely keeping up.

Where is he taking me?

Can i trust him?


Yay it's Britain!! I love him sm

Will (Y/N) get home?
Will she find out where the heck she is?
Who is this British dude, and where is he taking her?

Find out! Next time on



oops wrong fandom

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