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Cory's Pov
Crystal found some of her friends so I decided to go talk with my glee friends.Im actually really nervous to go up to them because lea'a there & no one has seen us together since the split.I stand next to Chord & we pose for pictures,after a couple of photos the cast starts to leave except for Lea,I decide to man up & talk to her.We hugged & I ready know people are taking pictures.
Lea's Pov
When the rest of the cast leaves Cory hugs me & in that second I saw flashback of when we were together.I quickly pull away and leave him standing alone looking confused.
Cory's Pov
I wonder what happened with Lea,she just left me.I was posing for pictures then my buddy's Dylan and Tyler come and talk to me."I haven't seen you in forever bro" says Dylan I know I've been busy,but so have you mr.maze runner! I say they laugh then we start to pose.
Lea's Pov
When I was leaving I bumped into someone."Im so sorry"she said Its ok don't worry I said Turing around,When I did I realized it was Cory's new girl."You're Lea right? She asks Yea how'd you know? I ask "How could I not I mean you and cory were all over the Internet when you were dating" she says Well I hope we can put that aside and be good friends! I say "Yea,that'd be nice well I have to go I'll see you around hopefully!" She says Yea,see you later I say then she sneaks on cory from behind.He turns around and hugs her like he used to hug me.Stop thinking about him you have a boyfriend I tell myself.Matt isn't here with me because he said he had to go somewhere with his friends so I'm here alone.He recently moved in and we've gotten way closer.
Cory's Pov
I get up at 5 am get ready then leave to work.As usual I'm the last one there,I walk in and see Lea."Good morning cory"she says Morning I say back "Are we cool?"she asks Like a cucumber I say then she laughs "Alright I'll see you!"she says excitingly K bye I tell her.For once I feel like I'm back on track,I've got my girlfriend,friends & work.I get in the studio and record my song,Im singing jealous for one of the first episodes.After I'm done I go into choreography,I improved my dancing and I dance pretty good if I do say so myself.When I'm done we take a lunch break.After that I go into shoot,were shooting a scene where Finn goes to rachel while she's in class since he now goes to NYADA he sees guys flirting with her so he starts singing jealous.After a long day I can finally go home.
Lea's pov
Cory looked so hot when he was dancing and singing to my character ,he dances much better than before.I know I shouldn't think of him this way anymore but I can't help it,he's perfect.

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