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Hello everyone, how have all of you been? 

I know you're all waiting for an update and probably disgruntled that I haven't stuck to my promised schedule of at least two updates in a week. Some of you might even say, "what kind of a person is she? It's always the same. She makes a promise and then goes back on it." 

I've heard worse from some readers, one of them even judging my abilities as a person, which shouldn't have happened. I guess some of you probably know about it already.

All of us have a real life outside this illusional, comforting bubble of Wattpad, and we all have to deal with it, whether we like it or not. 

And trust me, I'm trying to stay committed, but, there's a lot on my plate, especially now, all demanding equal priority. Now you know that it's not possible to execute all tasks at the same time. So, I'm forced to push this one to the last. 

I don't know when I can resume writing again. I wish to at the earliest. This isn't a long "see you later" adieu. I'll try to squeeze in some time and take the story forward. Like I've said before, the only reason I came back to writing these stories is that they're close to my heart, and yours.

Thank you so much for counting on me and for sticking to my stories. Much grateful.



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