Chapter 3

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Momo's POV

After class was over for the day, everyone headed back to the dorms. But like always, Todoroki and I  stay longer so its not really crowded when the talk. "So who is your crush?," Todoroki asked.

"No." I said to him, hoping he understands im not ready to him yet, which he does, so he changes the topic.

"So are you going to Mina's party? I heard the whole class is going.", Todoroki asked me, hoping i would say yes since he doesn't really talk to anyone besides me and Deku.

"Maybe," I responded, thinking about if Jirou would be there or not.

Jirou's POV

"Do you know anyone who could ask Momo if she is dating anyone," I asked Kaminari as we were walking to the dorm area.

"Well, there's the person I would ask is Bakugo. Even though he is crazy, I have some black mail on him."

"Okay, but don't mention the blackmail at first, and I don't want to know what is is," I said.

"But its really funny!," Kaminari said.

"But I shouldn't get into other people's business, unlike you, ya dimwit," I said, walking to my dorm to listen to music.

Momo's POV

"Todoroki, I will tell you who I like, but as long as you ask them if they are dating Kaminari." I said

"Oh so you're crushing on Jirou," Todoroki said. "even though i figured it out I still will ask, im that nice of a friend. But first, im going to talk to Midoriyia about something."

"Okay, thank you so much Todoroki!" I responded while not trying to burst with excitement. "Oh and have fun with your boyfriend!"

"He is not my boyfriend!" Todoroki said as a light blush started to form on his face. " will not get going."

And with that, we were both heading in different directions. As I got to the living room I noticed Jirou and decided to stay down here until the elevator is free.

Jirou's POV 

I see Momo walk into the dorms with Todoroki, deep in conversation. I walk up to the elevator, waiting for it to come down, but when i look back at Momo and Todoroki, I saw Todoroki blushing and then making his way to the elevator.

"Are you dating Kaminari," Todoroki asked me not making eye contact.

"You really think im dating a dumb ass like Kaminari, yeah im not. I guess i take a liking to females more." I say.

"Okay," he says, then walks away, still, with no expression on his face.

Well. that was confusing, I think to myself while I enter the elevator. I notice Momo sitting on the couch alone, but I didn't want to bother her, so I didn't ask.

Momo's POV

Five minutes after i see Jirou go in the elevator, i decide to go up to my room, which is right next to hers.

Once i get up to the fifth floor, i hear punk music blasting, and my guess it was coming from Jirou's room

Bakugo's POV

I take the elevator up to the fifth floor on the girls side. I cant believe Kaminari made me do this. I have to talk to stupid popular girl. She isn't stupid, she is too rich and smart.

I walk up to Momo's door and knock like a maniac, causing Jirou to come out of her room too. She smiled at me as she went back in her room before Momo came out. And when she did, the expression on her face showed that she was confused.

"YOU DATING THAT BASTARD TODOROKI ?!?!?!" I  asked while rasing his voice like I normally do

"No, but why are you asking?" Momo said while she was giving me another confused look.

"BECAUSE, YOU STUPID BASTARD," I yelled. Then i made my was to Jirou's room after Momo went back in her room and knocked lightly.

"She insn't dating Todoroki you bastard," I said, then walked off.

Todoroki's POV

I make my way to Momo's room as i see bakugo leaving. I was confused, but i didn't ask. I walk up to Momo's door, and lightly knock. Not too loud but loud enough for her to hear. When she opened the door, all I said was," No," and walked off.

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