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The phone call consisted of Ethan yelling at Taehyung for doing what he did and screaming about how fans were speculating about this and that. About how some of them were suspecting him to be gay and so on...

Taehyung stood there, his phone an armlength away from his ear because he didn't wish to be deaf after the call, although it would save him from having to listen to Ethan's lecture again, the next time he'd see him in person.

"I don't have time to come up to you to yell at you in person right now, even though I'd really love to do that, but because of you, I have to fucking explain to Bang PD himself why the fuck there is so much controversy surrounding you right now. He called me to tell me he was taking the next plane to come here immediately and believe me when I tell you that he did not sound amused. Definitely not coming here for holidays. The meeting is set for tomorrow morning." Ethan ranted and Taehyung gulped at the mention of Band PD

The group didn't get to see him too often. He had married and if you could trust the talk that went around in the company his wife was pregnant with their first child, that's why he had decided to work from home most of the time. Apparently, that was the reason for his scarce appearances in the company building.

Most of the time the managers were taking care of everything and were discussing the important decisions with Bang PD, so the group didn't have much interaction with the company's head himself.

The couple times they had seen him, he had come off as quite nice and polite, but he had an authoritative side as well, he was in charge of the whole company after all.

But there had been one time where they had seen him mad. Luckily it hadn't been because of anything they had done, Taehyung didn't exactly remember what it had been that had agitated him, but oh, oh, seeing him mad was a very scary sight.

Taehyung wouldn't even wish the wrath of Bang PD on his worst enemy.

"Enjoy your night, it might be your last." Ethan chuckled bitterly, tearing Taehyung from his thoughts, "Oh and don't dare to show up without your little boy-toy who's responsible for this fucking mess." he growled, and Taehyung changed his mind. Ethan would definitely deserve Bang PD's wrath for disrespecting Jungkook like that.

Taehyung hung up the phone, turning to the group of boys, who were nervously waiting to hear what Ethan had said.

"Bang PD is coming for an emergency meeting tomorrow..." Taehyung let them know in a dry tone, ruffling his hair, "He's not gonna kick me out of the group, is he?" he questioned hesitantly, a little scared of the answer

Most of the guys' expressions became more serious when they heard that the head of the company was coming.

"Honestly, I don't know, Tae. When Bang PD is flying here because of the situation, it's probably quite serious." Namjoon reasoned and gave the boy an empathetic look.

"Ok." Taehyung acknowledged

No one wanted to even think about that possibility, but it would be naive to believe that everything was fine. Kicking a member out of a popular group might seem drastic, but it had been done before.

If one member got involved into a huge scandal, the best thing for the rest of the group would be to move on without that person because otherwise, the scandal would cast a dark shadow onto the whole group.

And yeah, discovering an idol to be gay would be a massive scandal, especially because Young Nation had grown to be one of Korea's most beloved idol groups.

Now it depended on how many people actually believed that Taehyung was gay because of the photos and if the company would see a way to prove the allegations of his homosexuality wrong.

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