Chapter Four

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     When I woke up, Hisoka was still sitting on the bed with me in the exact same position we were in when I fell asleep. He sat with me in his lap, staring out the window. He realised that I was awake, turned to me and smiled. "Good morning, little apple~" Hisoka mused. "Morning, Hisoka. When's breakfast?" I asked. "In about twenty minutes I think. Let me check." Hisoka said as he pulled out his smartphone. His long fingernails clicked as he somehow tapped out his question. Around forty-five seconds later, Illumi texted him back. "Illumi says that we're due for breakfast in exactly eleven minutes and twenty-seven seconds," Hisoka told me. "Well, that's fine. I just gotta get dressed." I told him as I got up. I grabbed my backpack and headed into the bathroom. I took off my onesie and looked at myself in the mirror. I examined my body top to bottom. My hair was a mess. Matted and still slightly damp. My face was only slightly pink. My body was untouched from the waist down, but the tops of my breasts still had drops of blood on them. I then realized that some had gotten on my one white bra. "Ahh, what the fuck," I muttered to myself as I reached into my back-pack. I pulled out a tight black bra with a cat cut- out in the middle. "A little too kinky for my mood right now, but it'll do," I said to myself. I lay the cat bra on the sink and unhooked to white bra. I suddenly felt the urge to turn my back to the door, and I heard it open. "Oh, sorry." I heard a voice stay. "Get out Illumi. Or I will kill you." I said. The door clicked shut. I put the white bra back into my backpack and pulled the cat bra on. I checked the bag again and pulled out the first outfit.  Black crop top with white stripes at the base and base of the sleeves, black jeans, sleeping gas ankle boots. It was a good enough outfit.

     I left the bathroom, pulling my long hair into a damp ponytail as I went. "Oh! You look good Hisoka!" I remarked, blushing and smiling at the same time. Hisoka was wearing a white tank top with a magenta star and turquoise tear on the chest. He wore blue denim shorts with a heart on the left front pocket and a club on the right. He wore blacks socks, one with white diamonds the other with white spades. He wore pink converse and his hair was down for once, as was his makeup off his face. 

     "Thank you. I do try to look good while I work~" He told me. I kept blushing as we walked to the dining room with five minutes and thirty-seven seconds left. "Hey, Hisoka?" I asked. "Mmm?" He responded. "Where do you get your clothes? I've never seen anyone sell them." I told him. "Oh! I sew and knit my clothes myself, little puppy." He said with a laugh. "No one carries my style, you see~"  I nodded, and crossed that question off my Hisoka Questions list. "Hey, thank you for last night. It's just something that happens every four months or so." I said, trying to mention my "episode" as discretely as possible. "Last night didn't happen. The only emotions I have are happiness, intrigue, arousal and bloodlust. I'm not concerned for anyone and I don't get upset or worried. I've been building up this reputation for sixteen years, and I will not allow anyone to break it. You understand?" Hisoka said to me. Dumbfounded by his sudden seriousness, I nodded dumbly. "Such a good little puppy~," Hisoka said as he patted my ears once again. We walked in awkward silence towards the dining hall. I check the timer on my smartphone. "One minute and forty-three seconds to go. You wanna race?" I asked the fuchsia-haired jester. "You bet I do!" He responded. Too late. I was already off running. I heard his footsteps thundering after my velvet tread, and decided to do a Nen jump. I rocketed down the hallway and opened to the dining room door. I leapt into the room and landed in an empty seat on Kikyo's left-hand side. "Good time." Said Illumi, who slurped up a tiny spoonful of his miso soup. I looked down at my plate as Hisoka entered the dining room and sat in the chair next to me. What was on my plate looked good. Miso soup, yakizakana (grilled fish), rice.  I picked up my chopsticks and started to eat.

      "I hope you two slept well," Illumi stated to Hisoka and me. "Because today is our first mission," I swallowed some of my yakizakana in a nervous gulp. I'm totally fine, but what about Hisoka? I know that he can kill people, but what about discreetly, in a way that no one would know it was him. What am I going to do about that obnoxiously loud tread of his? And those clothes! "Illumi-san?" I asked. "Yes, Aypy-Chan?" "Do you have any spare black and white fabrics?" "Why?" Illumi responded. In answer, I motioned to Hisoka's cute (but way too bright) outfit. Illumi nodded. "Hisoka, go with Aypy-Chan to my mother's fabric room. Pick out only black and white fabrics, you got that?" Hisoka and I bowed as we left the dining hall. "Why'd you rat me out?" Hisoka asked in a joking way. "B...because I about," I stammered as my cheeks flushed. "A...and I wouldn't want my only friend getting shot, or mortally wounded." Hisoka stared down at me as we walked. "What?" I asked as we opened the door to the fabric room. "I think your little shirt's slid down a little too much, Aypy-Chan~" Hisoka purred as he entered the room.  looked down, and freaked out.  My crop top had slid down on the left side, and half the bra was showing, with the keyhole cutout showing. I panicked and took a bobby-pin out of my hair and clipped the neck hole to the back. I took a deep breath in and exhales loudly. While I reached for the doorknob, I heard a loud crash. Fueled with panic, I opened the door and started to laugh. "Hello, little puppy. Can you help me out? The ladder was built for a lighter person." Hisoka purred from underneath the pile of black sheets. "Okay, you Jester. I'll help your ass out."


       An hour later, Illumi, Hisoka and I were heading to the centre of Kukuroo Mountain to carry out our first mission. I looked at all of us and noticed we'd all changed our clothes. Illumi wore an outfit like what he wore during the Hunter Exam, just black and grey. Hisoka wore a tight black top with looser black bottoms. White diamonds, spade, clubs and hearts decorated the collar bone. His boots were black ankle boots (how he sews so fast is unbelievable.) I'd decided to take the crop top off. It kept falling down, and the cat bra looked like a crop top on its own anyway. We clicked down the elevator into an underground stronghold. Illumi lead us down a wide, starkly illuminated hallway. We walked for five minutes until he opened a door and ushered us inside. He had us sit in two large chairs and clicked on a large screen. "Our client wants us to kill this man," Illumi said as he showed us a picture of an older man with caramel skin and a long silver braid and beard. Strong nose, eyebrows and jawline. "His name is Mitsuo Arakaki. He's not very skilled in Nen and isn't very strong, but he has an onslaught of bodyguards." Illumi continued. "You are not to kill any bodyguards. Just Arakaki-san. You got that?" Illumi asked as he pointed his finger at the two of us. I nodded. Hisoka shrugged. "If you kill anybody guards, you will be killed from drawing of attention or I will kill you for insubordination, Hisoka," Illumi ordered the Jester. Hisoka looked at me, looked at Illumi, and nodded. "Good. You get that, Aypy?" Illumi asked as he turned his gaze to me. "Of course. And I'll keep Hisoka in check." I said. Hisoka turned away and pouted.

     "You're dismissed," Illumi told us as he texted me the electronic map and tracking software that we would need for the mission. Hisoka played with his cards as we walked to the elevator. I tried to catch eye contact with him, but he refused to meet my gaze. I suddenly felt self-conscious about my top and crossed my arms over my chest. When we got into the elevator, Hisoka finally talked to me. "Why'd you decide to take off your crop top, Aypy-Chan?" He asked. "You don't seem to be the type to take off a shirt and to just wear... that," "Well, My crop top kept falling off somehow and this Keyhole Shirt looks like a top already, although I do feel like It'll draw the eyes of some perverts," I responded. Hisoka nodded at my explanation. We rode the elevator down for about six minutes and thirty-seven more seconds. The elevator doors opened at the base of Kukuroo Mountain and we lept out. It was still dark out, so I assumed that it was cloudy and potentially thunderstormy, as my phone said that it was nine fifteen AM. I looked at Hisoka and we both started running and leaping from tree to tree. It took us about an hour and a half to get past all sets of the testing gate and past Mike. We decided to jump over the testing gate, as we wouldn't want the Testing Gate to draw attention to us. When we landed, I handed Hisoka a bandana to time around his mouth. As he tied it on, I pulled out a black face mask and put it around my mouth. "You ready to go?" I asked Hisoka. "Of course I am, little puppy." He responded. We jumped from the Testing Gate, landed almost silently on the ground and ran off down the road. Two hours later, we stood in the city looking at a skyscraper. "So this is the place, mm?~," Hisoka asked. "Yup," I responded as I started to walk in. "So what's the plan?~," Hisoka asked me.

 "Simple. When you see him, kill at any cost."

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