Chapter 4*

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How was it possible for Nicholaus to have such fire in his touch? The man knew exactly where to put those glorious hands. There I lain on his bed, helping him lift my dress. Time to take off such a contraption we had not. His pale fingers lifted my shift, the only modesty left before my cunt. To my surprise he buried his face in it, and his tongue caused the sweetest of sensations.

My head rested upon the pillow as he began to lick and suck. My thighs shook on either side of his ears. His ears were warm, I tightened my thighs around them. His hands pressed my legs down, calming my rambunctious movement.

"Allow me to please you, movement only takes away from the pleasure." He said against my cunt. And so I obeyed his orders, reeling underneath his touch. His digits entered inside as he licked. It gave a foreign feeling. I grabbed his wrist and pulled it out in the naïve fear he would damage my flower.

After sucking his fingers, he continued to lick the area until I felt my spirit lift. My hand touched his curly dark hair, getting lost in it. My senses were hazy. With shut eyes I let out a yelp of pleasure. He licked what was left then lifted his face proudly. I wiped the corners of his mouth with my thumb.

He leaned into kiss me, but we were interrupted by a knock. Both of our hearts began to beat at such a rate they may have stopped. Quickly I jumped from the bed and so did he. We froze, but then he began pushing me into the corner behind his statues.

"Do not make a peep." He warned. And so I stood there behind the tall statues, glimpsing at the scene. He walked over and opened the door, then smiled at the man who came in. The man seemed serious, but I couldn't understand the language. Nicholaus went pale, then nodded as the man walked out. He shut the door, then hurried over to me.

"Princess, you must leave. They are searching for you." He warned as he took my hand, helping me from behind the statues. I was flooded with disappointment. I wanted my new lover to once again fill me with feelings I'd yet to know.

"If I must..." I complied and began walking to the door. I reached my hand to open it but Nicholaus took it. With his hand on my waist, he had me take a step back. Then he opened the door to see if anyone was there.

Turning around and shutting it, his eyes had a look of sorrow. He felt the same about my depart. "Goodnight Princess. Rest peacefully."

I lifted up and kissed his lips once again. He held me tightly close to him. Then his lips kissed down my neck and over my breasts. This was unusual for me. I'd kissed Ayo before but never had he displayed such passion. Ayo. Guilt filled my heart at the reminder of my first love.

Nicholas sent me off and I hurried throughout many palace corridors. My heart paced as I prayed I'd make it to my chambers without being seen. However, around a corner I was quickly stopped by three guards.

"Princess?" One asked as he lifted a lantern to me.

"It is I." I reassured them.

"Where had you run off to?" Another guard asked. "The palace was turnt upside down searching for you."

"I was..." My mind raced as I tried to come up with an excuse. "I was downstairs. With my monkeys. Those silly things, I hadn't seen them in what felt like a lifetime!"

"Your monkeys? All night, Princess?" A guard asked me.

"I find it very rude of you to question your Royal Highness." I said coarsely. They bowed somberly, then placed their backs toward the wall as they made way for me. I continued walking to my chambers without any interruption.

After arriving in my chambers, I prepared myself for another form of interrogation. My ladies in waiting all rushed to me. "Why are you all still in your clothes? You should be wearing your night garments."

"We waited for our princess." Lantana answered. "Speaking of which, where was our princess?"

I wanted so badly to tell the girls about my experience, but I feared them judging me. I had a love, that was Ayo. I'd made that very clear amongst them. How could I admit I had lain with another man and done things Ayo and I had never?

"I must not tell you." I answered. They opened their mouths to question again, but I cut them off. "And you must not ask. Now remove these clothes from me."

I stepped out of my slippers and moved them to the side with my foot. The ladies gather around as they unlaced my dress, removed my petticoat, took off my stay and lifted my shift over my head. There I stood in nudity as they got my night gown and put it over my head. I was lost in the loose linen for a moment, but finally my head poked out of the top.

Two maids went on either side of my bed and pulled the sheets down carefully. I walked up to my bed and laid there with my back against the headboard. The sheets were then put over my lower half. After a curtsy, the maids walked off.

My ladies in waiting lined up and curtsied, then walked off. All but one stayed behind. Thérésa. She walked over and squinted as she stared at me. I swallowed, knowing she had an eye to see what others see not.

"You have a new aura than what you had before." Thérésa witnessed. "Something has happened."

"Nothing of the sort happened. I just wanted time to myself." I lied with a pout.

"How was your time with that Italian we left you with?" She asked me. Italian. That's what you called them.

"I was only there for a few moments and then went about my way." I told her, my lips pursed together.

"Of course." She answered. "The only reason I agreed to leave you with such a stranger is because I knew his heart is pure. Something you may admire, no?"

"You're dismissed." I said coldly. She nodded, then exited the room.

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