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I wake up to my alarm clock, beeping away. I want to hit snooze, but it's my first day at a new school. I have to get ready so that I can arrive early for a tour of the school. I hope that I can make friends fast, I don't want things to go down like they did at my old school. I was bullied.

As I put on my checkered vans, I hear my mom shout.

"Y/n! You have to leave in 10 minutes! You better get ready soon!"

"Okay mom!" I yell as I rush down the stairs. I decide to get a cup of coffee from Starbucks as I drive to school. 

When I finally arrive, I sit quietly in the office, right across from this really cute boy as I wait for someone to give me a tour.

"Hi, I am Principal Brown, nice to meet you. Today, Jungkook will be giving you a tour of the school. Jungkook, please show her around"

As Principal Brown leaves the room, the cute boy who is sitting across from me stand up. 

"Hi, I am Jeon Jungkook. It's nice to meet you. I'll be showing you around the school today."

As he shows me the school, I see all of the classrooms and even get to meet some of my teachers. After that, he shows me how to open the lockers.

Around an hour later, I am walking to my homeroom class. As I look for a seat, I see Jungkook on the other side of the room.

I want to go and talk to him until I see another girl run up to him. I guess he's a player bad boy.

Then, someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see a hot bad boy.

"Hey, my name is Taehyung and I'm the bad boy around here. Here's my number babe."

He hands me a sheet of paper and I have to pretend I'm not excited. He is so cool.

Then, the teacher comes in. 

"We have a new student, her name is Y/n. Please welcome her into our class."

I'm embarraseedde.

I sit down, and I hear wailing cries from behind me. Nobody seems to think anything of it. Everyone acts like it is normal. I turn to see a boy crying behind me. That's when someone whispers to me,

"He does this everyday for about 2 hours."

Well, this is awkward.

~~Time skip to lunch~~

I decide to sit next to Jungkook and his friends at lunch. So now I'm sitting with Taehyung the player boy, the crying kid, the kid who whispered to me, and 3 others.

The crying kid stares into space for the whole lunch period. I am seriously concerned but nobody else seems to care about him.

I talk and learn all of the boy's names. The crying boy is Yoongi. The other guy is Jimin. I already knew Taehyung and Jungkook ofc. There are also 3 guys names Hoseok, Jin, and namgoon.

Oppa Oppa

After I get home from my first day of school, I realize something...

I think I have crush...

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