The wind blows my weave. My hands left trembling. Goosebumps everywhere. Should I go and apologize? I hesitate. All these things around me just make everyone feel anxious. Right? I can see Gregory staring out the window he knows what just went on in there. I killed Maria, instead of him. I just want to tell him I love him and that Maria wasn't right for him. At all. Blood drips down my hair. Gregory looks away in disgust. He thinks that some serial killer was making me pick between him and Maria. I know what I did was wrong but that's what made it right. I can feel Gregory touching my skin, slowly yet vigorously kissing me. Ahhh what a life. My next move: make him forget. I walk into the house crying. God I have a skill! I feel remorse and pain inside type of crying. Gregory touches my shoulder and pulls me closer, and hugs me? Dude this was supposed to be my moment to finally get mama some suga. I forgot that people grieve. He couldn't even conceive a child with her. I am fertile. I go outside to my car and drive home while Gregory sits checking his phone for a signal. We were stuck in the spooky forest and only to hold ourselves. His hot sticky skin as he pierces my lips. Come onto me now. We run out of gas. Oopsie. I am such a klutz, I left the car on all day. Well I guess we hang out in the cold with nothing to hold but each other. I am coming for you Gregory because I am obsessed with your mess. We head out to call for help. Someone please! Gregory gives up because he knows we're stuck here suddenly I hear a voice. It's not a person. As it comes louder we start to steadily jog back to the car, get our shit and run. Gregory's hair pounces through the air. He's the one, even if he cheats. I hear a shriek coming from the woods. Gregory pulls me close and holds my windbreaker, you know to make sure we're warm. ;]. I run outside to see what happens. Gregory follows, because I'm a dom. I bring my bat and Gregory gets his kitchen knife. We walk up the hill to find out... we're in New York? Gregory starts to laugh and I smirk. About two seconds later, he gets attacked by a sociopath. I bolted to the nearest shelter. I read the news and apparently there's an epidemic going around, where everyone is turning into a sociopath. Someone starts approaching me... I keep my bat in hand. As soon as they came out of the smoke I had realized that Steve Harrington was here. From Stranger Things. What the heck? My dad! He showed me his bat, we had a full on conversation on how good of a dad he his. Shortly after that, I started grieving for Gregory because you know he died. I kept moving. I started to notice that something was following me. It was a little kid. He told me that he was my son. I remembered Brad, our special night. We were eating hot Cheetos and that's when things got hot and heavy. I realized that I am a dad.